10 Verbs to Use for the Word litle

Pawse, I beseech you, And while you gather breath to fill the Trumpet Of your deserts give me leave to deliver A litle for the States and mine owne honour.

They neuer pray but in the water, and they wash themselues ouerhead, and lade vp water with both their handes, and turne themselues about, and then they drinke a litle of the water three times, and so goe to their gods which stand in those houses.

And when we depart for Babylon we goe a litle with our saile, and the voyage is 38. or 40.

To avoid suites in Law, I would grant a litle, But should fierce Andrew know it, what would become Of me?

The Master being a wise fellowe, and a good sayler, beganne to deuise howe to escape the danger, and to loose litle of our way: and while both he, and all of vs were in our dumps, God sent vs a merry gale of winde, that we ranne threescore and tenne leagues before it was twelue a clocke the next day, and in sixe dayes after we were seuen leagues past Zante.

In social halls a favored guest In years that follow victory won, How sweet to feel your festal fame, In woman's glance instinctive thrown: Repose is yoursyour deed is known, It musks the amber wine; It lives, and sheds a litle from storied days Rich as October sunsets brown, Which make the barren place to shine.

And if he do not mend that night, his friends will come and sit with him a litle and cry, and afterwards will cary him to the waters side and set him vpon a litle raft made of reeds, and so let him goe downe the riuer.

I am enough abusd, & now 'tis time To speake a litle for my selfe, my Lord.

Here the Gentiles haue the water of Ganges in great estimation, for hauing good water neere them, yet they will fetch the water of Ganges a great way off, and if they haue not sufficient to drinke, they will sprinkle a litle on them, and then they thinke themselues well.

In the citie of Ierusalem we saw the hall where Pilate sate in iudgement when Christ was condemned, the staires whereof are at Rome, as they told vs. A litle from thence is the house where the virgin Mary was borne.

10 Verbs to Use for the Word  litle