5 Verbs to Use for the Word philter

For it was at the season when Nature brews the irresistible philter.

BARBARA [awe-struck] Oh! PIPER [slowly] Will you drink the philter?

"A love-potion," replied Luke Hatton, calmly, "I am about to prepare a philter for her, and will answer for its effect.

Without inquiring the meaning of these requests, which, indeed, she partly conjectured, Aveline promised ready compliance; and her adviser left her, but not till he had once more proffered her the supposed philter, and caused her to place the cup containing it to her lips.

In the bitter satire of Juvenal we get an impression most melancholy and loathsome: "'T were long to tell what philters they provide, What drugs to set a son-in-law aside, Women, in judgment weak, in feeling strong, By every gust of passion borne along.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  philter