141 Verbs to Use for the Word sleeves

John threw off coat and vest, and, rolling up his sleeves, led the exhausted horse to the currying ground.

Ol' Chief was pulling the Boy's sleeve during the little colloquy, and saying, "You tell."

" "I knew it would come sooner or later," said Marcos, who winced as he drew his sleeve over his injured arm.

She sat by his side, her arm touching his sleeve, her weight thrown against him at such times as the sleigh bumped over a fallen tree or some inequality of the ground.

Don't strike, or I'll thmash you," roars out Dobbin, springing to a leaden inkstand, and looking so wicked that Mr. Cuff paused, turned down his coat sleeves again, put his hands into his pockets, and walked away with a sneer.

"I might wash those potatoes," said Dotty, plucking Norah's sleeve; "do you put soap on them?" "Not much soapno.

'T is twelve o'clock, and Thurtell is just now coming out upon the new drop, Jack Ketch alertly tucking up his greasy sleeves to do the last office of mortality; yet cannot I elicit a groan or a moral reflection.

His hand caught the sleeve of his rescuer at the same time that the flat of his foot dropped upon the white man's boot.

She raised his hand, pushed back the tattered sleeve from his wrist, and then she laid his hand down gently.

" Mademoiselle had taken Brutus' knife and was cutting away his sleeve, half soaked with blood.

I would sometimes wear the lawn sleeves of a bishop, and sometimes the tye-wig of a barrister.

" At this I laughed too, partly to calm her, and patted gently the hands with which she had nervously clutched my sleeve.

Ah, see, it is on my sleeve!" He took her arm and kissed the sleeve where her heart was supposed to be.

I heard her catch her breath, and felt her hands grasp my sleeve, but I never stirred.

If there were any tendency to do so, I have here a constant reminder," holding up his empty sleeve as he spoke.

Louis IX., at the age of thirteen, is represented, in a picture executed in 1262 (Sainte-Chapelle, Paris), with his hair short, and wearing a red velvet cap, a tunic, and over this a cloak open at the chest, having long sleeves, which are slit up for the arms to go through; this cloak, or surcoat, is trimmed with ermine in front, and has the appearance of what we should now call a fur shawl.

If gaming does an aged sire entice, Then my young master swiftly learns the vice, And shakes in hanging sleeves the little box and dice.

"The ladies were in blue dresses; a good deal of crinoline, deep flounces, high necks, very short, flowing sleeves, and short undersleeves; the dresses were brocade and the flounces much trimmed, madame's with white plush.

But he jerked my hand off his sleeve.

all myselfthat is," she corrected, "Mrs. Watterby helped me cut it out and she sewed the sleeves in after I had basted them in wrong twice, but I did everything else.

Then the near wheel struck my head, making a dirty little scalp wound, and pinned down my sleeve so that I couldn't pull away my arm, which is consequently barked all the way down.

Each society has its own uniform, made up of tinsels and figured satins, tin-foil, gold and silver leaf, gaudy textiles, magnificent epaulets bearing large golden stars on a background of silver decorated with glittering gems of colored glass; tinted "ostrich" plumes of many colors sticking straight up eighteen inches above the heads of their wearers, gaudy ribbons, beruffled bodices, puffed sleeves, and slashed trunks.

Is it because I interfered between you and Dorothy Fairfax?" He laughed again, the sound so insane Haines gripped my sleeve in terror.

" "No fader,"growled Nick, at the serjeant's elbow, twitching his sleeve, at the same time, to attract attention.

As he who was counting pronounced the word "thirty," the two men set the chest down on the sand with a grunt, the white man panting and blowing and wiping his sleeve across his forehead.

141 Verbs to Use for the Word  sleeves