6 Verbs to Use for the Word trochees

But he calls a trochee, which occupies the same time as a choreus, [Greek: kordax], because its contracted and brief character is devoid of dignity.

" To arrange eleven syllables in a line, and have half or more of them to form trochees, is no difficult matter; but, to find rhythm in the succession of "a trochee, a spondee, and a dactyl," as we read words, seems hardly practicable.

The second line shifts the rhythm into the trochaic, giving us three trochees, with a cæsura equivalent, in this case, to a trochee.

The Sapphic verse, according to Fabricius, Smetius, and all good authorities, has eleven syllables, making "five feetthe first a trochee, the second a spondee, the third a dactyl, and the fourth and fifth trochees."

Johnson cited it merely as an example of "double endings" imagining in it no "additional syllable," except perhaps the two which terminate the two trochees, "fear none" and "Vernon."

It will, no doubt, be considered ridiculous by the Fannii and Fanniae of our day to talk of varying the trochee with the iambus, or of resolving either into the tribrach.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  trochees