96 Verbs to Use for the Word yours

'Tis yours, now, to fulfil the higher prayer; 'Tis yours to gain the inward grace, and leave The outward sign, great in its way, but less.

"Nan and I have expressed ourselves so frankly you might tell us yours.

MADAM, "I have received yours, and knew the Prudence of your House so well, that I always took Care to be ready to obey your Commands, tho they should be to see you no more.

"Oh, that's my receipt, I want yours.

Accept my kindest love, and believe me yours, as ever.

I am writing to you, and your spirit, invoked when I took possession of the premises, comes here sometimes just between daylight and dark, and talks to me till I am ready to put forth my hand to find yours.

I try to fancy that I combine the patience of BUNYAN with the philosophy of the Judge, and in that belief subscribe myself, Bill-iously yours, DICK TINTO.

Criticism is always valuable, and I should really like yours, Mrs. Basset," said Randal, wondering what the good woman would make of the delicate analysis and worldly wisdom on which he prided himself.

He'll fairly sicken you with his thanks for that first hundred; he'll call you his generous benefactor over three or four pages for the second; he'll send you a nice little half-page note of thanks for the third; he'll write, "Yours of the first with inclosure to handthanks," for the fourth; he'll forget to acknowledge the fifth; and when the sixth doesn't come promptly, he'll wire collect: "Why this delay in sending my checkmail at once."

"You wish us," was the answer, "to draw down war upon ourselves to avert it from Italy, and to give our own fields over to devastation to save yours.

"The change from the city will do me a world of good, and as I wanted to be quiet, and rest I declined all my other invitations for the summer to accept yours.

But I'm sorry to see you're still only thinking of our happinessI mean yours," she corrected herself in haste, for a sudden eager hope flashed across Peter's miserable young face.

You could not but particularly wish her well, the moment her glad, hopeful, playful, confiding, half-roguish eye met yours.

You may not have given me all yours.

"Now, Colonel," says the Boy, "bring along that buck-saw o' yours and lend a hand.

SEE SWANSON, NEIL H. <pb id='218.png' /> STEGNER, WALLACE. Balance his, swing yours.

It is sad to see you lose yours.

It began, "Dear Young Friend and Admirer," and ended, "Yours for the Light.

If you are likely to be again at Cheshunt before that time, on second thoughts, drop in here, & consult Yours, C.L. Not a line is yet writtenso say, if I shall do 'em.

I shall always court yours; your approval is dearer to me than anything in the whole world.

The man dryly replied, "The reason why you and I, Sir, are not upon a par is plain enoughthe sun discovers all my blunders, but the earth covers yours.

But if I have lived through this for good ends, one at least has been that I have learned my place in creationand yours.

Do not allow any doubt to cross yours or theirs, that it is the intensity of love for the great cause which led many in England to wish for a different decision.

" "It could not have damaged yours.

Your elders have I seen declining to offer their opinions upon a subject till you had delivered yours; often, to save themselves the mortification of retracting theirs, when they heard yours.

96 Verbs to Use for the Word  yours