9 adjectives to describe enfranchisement

From this sprang the vary ignorance and vice, which in the view of many lie in the way of their immediate enfranchisement.

A pretended enfranchisement from political and ecclesiastical slavery has been the signal of the lowest debasement, and the most cruel profligacy: the very Catechumens of freedom and philosophy have, while yet in their first rudiments, distinguished themselves as proficients in the arts of oppression and servility, of intolerance and licentiousness.

Stretching from ocean to ocean,teeming with population, bountiful in resources of all kinds, and thrice-happy in universal enfranchisement, it will be more than conqueror.

The colored people, in their credulity, hailed the apparent enfranchisement, and had a public rejoicing in the occasion.

The one pleaded for the speedy enfranchisement of women for these reasons: because the most costly production and the most valuable asset of any nation is its output of men and women; because the industrial conditions under which more than six million girls and women are forced to work is an individual and social menace; and because working-women as an unenfranchised class are continually used to lower the standards of men.

Reviewing the life of Susan B. Anthony, I ever liken her to the Doric column in Grecian architecture, so simply, so grandly she stands, free from every extraneous ornament, supporting her one vast ideathe enfranchisement of woman.

But the daily course of events appears to be rendering more and more unlikely the immediate effectual enfranchisement of the slaves: the President's proclamation will reach with but little efficacy beyond the mere borders of the Southern States.

The history of nineteenth-century Liberalism in the world might almost be summed up in the phrase "progressive enfranchisement."

And what to him is the resultant enfranchisement?

9 adjectives to describe  enfranchisement