19 adjectives to describe inversion

Relative que in emphatic inversions.

If we have written a clumsy or confused sentence, we shall often find that the removal of an awkward inversion liberates the ides, or that the modification of a cadence increases the effect.

In the philanthropist-father the religious seriousness rather preponderated over the fun; in the bishop-son (by a curious inversion of parts) the fun sometimes concealed the religiousness.

The language seems to fall short of his ideas; he pours along, familiarizing the terms of philosophy, with bold inversions, and sonorous periods; but we may apply to him, what Pope has said of Homer: "It is the sentiment that swells and fills out the diction, which rises with it, and forms itself about it: like glass in the furnace, which grows to a greater magnitude, as the breath within is more powerful, and the heat more intense.

Because of its cleverness, avoidance of long sentences, and of classical inversions, Dryden's prose is essentially modern.

This is the fifth record showing a constant inversion of temperature for a few hundred feet and then a gradual fall, so that the temperature of the surface is not reached again for 2000 or 3000 feet.

It would probably have seemed to him a disturbing inversion of the natural order that any one very near to him should have been younger than he, except his own children who, however young, would not necessarily hinder the normal surprise at the youthfulness of their father.

He can be roundabout, artificial, and vague; he can involve a simple statement in a mist of high-sounding words and elaborate inversions.

By some authors, this has been improperly identified with Hyper'baton, or elegant inversion; as may be seen under the word Synchysis in Littleton's Dictionary, or in Holmes's Rhetoric, at page 58th.

Your mother's reproach is an exact inversion of the truth.

Several authors argued that any inversion of the Canonical Hours, if frequent, is a mortal sin, but the opinion which says that the inversion of the Hours is only a venial sin is the more probable (St. Alph.

Could the mind conceive a more grotesque inversion of the law of services and rewards?

It is generally conceded that his style is wonderfully clever; and I have no doubt that his detractorswho complain that his style is mere word-twisting, a mere inversion of the most ancient truismsare actuated by the very basest jealousy.

That seems to me not pacificism but patriotic inversion.

Excluding, then, such an apparently plausible, but really fallacious inversion of the Pantheistic view of the Universe, I repeat that the latter is the precise opposite of Atheism.

(Afterwards it was quite delightful to see the beautifully matter-of-fact way with which the good lady took all these amazing inversions.)

But the seeds of sleep and mortality are in us; and we pay usually in strange qualms, before night falls, the penalty of the unnatural inversion.

And in Lemna I have found an apparent inversion of the embryo with relation to the apex of the nucleus.

By this time there was in the North German brain an awful inversion of all the legends and heroic lives that the human race has loved.

19 adjectives to describe  inversion