10 adjectives to describe meandering

At six o'clock in the evening we are at King-Tcheou, after skirting for some time the capricious meanderings of the Great Wall.

Here one poor word an hundred clenches makes, And ductile Dulness new meanders takes; There motley images her fancy strike, Figures ill paired, and similes unlike.

In no part of the building is there any eccentric flourishing or artistic meandering.

In no part of the building is there any eccentric flourishing or artistic meandering.

How foretell its frightful meanderings?

The English lane was made for the leisurely meandering of cows to and from pasture, for the dreamy snail-pace of time-forgetting lovers, for children gathering primroses or wild strawberries, or for the knap-sacked wayfarer to whom time and space are no objects, whose destination is anywhere and nowhere, whose only clocks are the rising sun and the evening star, and to whom the way means more than the goal.

A short, stocky man, undistinguishable from one of the "subject race" by any obvious meanderings of the sangre azul on his exposed surfaces.

Winding, tortuous, serpentine, sinuous, meandering.

The most common as well as the most celebrated beauty of scenery in the world, from the tiny meanders of a meadow brook to the unequaled grandeur of the Colorado canyons, is largely due to the presence and action of streams.

Indeed, it seemed to Peter that to sit in this old room and rewrite the wordy meanderings of the old gentleman's book was the very height of emptiness.

10 adjectives to describe  meandering