11 adjectives to describe tribulations

Being in Switzerland when Lord Byron, after his domestic tribulations, arrived at Geneva, they became acquainted.

Shortly before he started he was married to Cora Brandon, whose devotion to her great Master and to her husband would have carried her through any earthly tribulations.

He hated tyranny, because he was aware of a tyrannical vein in himself, and fate had meted out to him a fitting tribulation, when it punished him, moderately enough, at the hands of the Sansculottes.

He therefore scourges them with inward trials, vastly more painful than any outward tribulation could be; thus crucifying them to self."

did you evade the privacy of our innocent and nocturnal retreat, turning the salubrious and maiden emotions of my bosom into agonizing delight and repressible tribulation!

I found poor Edie in sad tribulation at the prospect of resuming her field labour.

So let every one write upon all walls and houses and chambers, upon his conscience and his intellect, "The Lord God Omnipotent reigneth, and will bring good out of the severest tribulation!"

" Then began a time of sore tribulation for Joel; for not until ten minutes had passed did the ball touch his toe.

Now, in spite of the scientific activity of the day, nobody is likely to contend that men are pressed keenly in their souls by any poignant stress of spiritual tribulation in the face of the two supreme enigmas.

He might very easily convince you that the truest service you could render your country was to assist her in passing through a temporary tribulation.

And yet what had he done to deserve Naomi in comparison with the unspeakable tribulations this simple mariner had suffered?

11 adjectives to describe  tribulations