15 Words to use with rhetorics

Rhetoric self taught.

But the study of characterization as part of the education of an orator became fixed in the curriculum of rhetoric schools.

Whereas classical rhetoric deals with speeches which might be delivered to convict or acquit a defendant in the law court, or to secure a certain action by the deliberative assembly, or to adorn an occasion, classical poetic deals with lyric, epic, and drama.

Young Quintus, we hear, gets on well with his rhetoric master; Cicero does not wholly approve the style in which he is being taught, and thinks he may be able to teach him his own more learned style, though the boy himself seems to prefer the declamatory method of the teacher.

For most men's votes are given, I hear, Either for rhetoric orbeer.

That cause is unfortunate which retains as its advocate one whose rhetoric persuades all, while his logic convinces none; and the too readily believing converts of his enthusiasm and splendid diction, their sympathetic fire abated, revert with an implacable bitterness to their former traditions.

The vividness and emotion, as well as the charm, of poetic are indispensable in attaining the ultimate aim of rhetoric persuasion.

of, with their antecedents, as affected by the figures of rhetoric place of Pronoun, as representing a phrase or sentence under what circumstances can agree with either of two antecedents the parsing of, commonly requiring the application of two rules with suppressed anteced.

When, therefore, they of Milan had sent to Rome to the prefect of the city, to furnish them with a rhetoric reader for their city, I made application that Symmachus, then prefect of the city, would try me by setting me some subject for oration, and so send me.

But hold, my Muse, forbear thy towering flight, Nor bring the secrets of the gods to light: In vain would thy presumptuous verse The immortal rhetoric rehearse; The mighty strains, in lyric numbers bound, Forget their majesty, and lose their sound.

Thus far we have the influence of classical rhetoric urging as an ideal for poetry formal correctness.

Miss Kate Robinson and I were rivals for school honors, and I studied as I never had studied before, for in the history, physiology, and rhetoric classes, she pressed me hard.

8. Item, that she made rhetoric wanton, logic to babble, astronomy to lie.

In the practice of rhetoric inventio was thus the solidest and most important element.

I haven't a word yet of my rhetoric lesson," opening her book and chanting, "'Man, thou pendulum betwixt a smile and tear.'

15 Words to use with  rhetorics