8 adverbs to describe how to conclusive

The fact that several of their leading politicians have fled to France and identified themselves with the French cause, is symptomatic, though doubtless not conclusive.

The trial was very brief: the evidence, emphatically conclusive, was confidently given, and vainly cross-examined.

It can do no harm, then, if the playwright should ask himself: "Can I, without any undue sacrifice, so develop my theme as to entail upon my leading characters, naturally and probably, an experience of this order?" The peripeties of real life are frequent, though they are apt to be too small in scale, or else too fatally conclusive, to provide material for drama.

As for the unhappy revelation of what Miss Lynden had beenthe evidence was hopelessly conclusive.

They are so irritatingly conclusive.

Early on the Tuesday intimation was given to him that Bagwax would come on the Wednesday with further evidence,with evidence which should be positively conclusive.

An analogy is seldom conclusive and, though it is often effective in argument, it must not be taken as proof of fact.

The hint which Riley had already dropped was enough to inflame the imagination of the suspicious foreman; what he now saw was totally conclusive, he thought.

8 adverbs to describe how to  conclusive  - Adverbs for  conclusive