6 Metaphors for agreeable

'I find such details far more agreeable than literature.

BAKING MEAT.Baking exerts some unexplained influence on meat, rendering it less savoury and less agreeable than meat which has been roasted.

"Motion upwards is commonly more agreeable than motion downwards.

Cabbages, the alimentary reputation of which dates from the remotest times, were already of several kinds, most of which have descended to us; amongst them may be mentioned the apple-headed, the Roman, the white, the common white head, the Easter cabbage, &c.; but the one held in the highest estimation was the famous cabbage of Senlis, whose leaves, says an ancient author, when opened, exhaled a smell more agreeable than musk or amber.

This is the reason why rich people are apt to be so much more agreeable than others.

This composition, if less agreeable than vegetables in their raw state, is more wholesome; for salads, however they may be compounded, when eaten uncooked, prove to some people indigestible.

6 Metaphors for  agreeable