10 Metaphors for superintendent

The Superintendent was a friend of the driver of the car and he willingly agreed to show them through.

The superintendent who probably engaged the man is not his employer.

The superintendent of the mines is a white mana Germanand the three foremen are Boers.

This unscrupulous superintendent secured by his cunning a large amount of our funds; but it was a curse to him for he squandered it in riotous living.

The Superintendent, who went round with us, had been a noted punster in his time, and well known in the business world, but lost his customers by making too free with their namesas in the famous story he set afloat in '29 of four Jerries attaching to the names of a noted Judge, an eminent Lawyer, the Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, and the well-known Landlord at Springfield.

The superintendent of your building is a German-American and we dare not trust him, and there is no vacant apartment that we can rent.

The superintendent of the nurses in each institution must be a woman of high quality and large experience.

Our superintendent and chaplain were strong sectarians, but very weak Christians, and they readily made friends of the "Mammon of unrighteousness."

Our courts have held that the superintendent is a fellow servant, or, as the law states it, a fellow employee, and that, therefore, the man can not recover damages for his injury.

The superintendent was an interesting young colored man.

10 Metaphors for  superintendent