11 Words to use with dads

" Then, with a smile, turning to Jean Thompson, and back again to Père Jerome: "But anny'ow you tell it in dad summon dad 'e hyare fo' dad creed.

Go, hopen yo' do's an' stan juz as you har ub biffo dad crowd and sesso!

Go in dad door, hif you pliz, Madjor.

And now you come whining around" "But, dad" "Don't you dad me, dad-fetch youdon't you try any Absalom business on me.

There har nod one poss'bil'ty fo' me to be dad guardian of you' daughteh!

"Charles," she said, "here is Lieutenant Cary"; and her voice had a certain note in it which at home Cary and his sister Nancy were in the habit of designating "mother-making-dad-mind-his-manners.

But oo dad odder one?

He slowly said: "Is dad possib', Madame Delphine?" "Yass," she replied, at first without lifting her eyes; and then again, "Yass," looking full upon him through her tears, "yaas, 'tis tru'.

" "Oh! unexpected!" "Mais, I was thing all dad time

I s'all investigade doze ting; an', Manuel Mazaro, h-I am a hole man; bud I will requez you, iv dad wad you say is nod de true, my God! not to h-ever ritturn again ad de Café des Exilés.

Père Jerome, fo' de love of de good God, show me dad way to de 'ouse of Jean Tomkin!" Her distressed smile implored pardon for her rudeness.

11 Words to use with  dads