8 Words to use with ping

Then from some far-off aerie would ring the tocsin of an elfin silversmith, fast, furious, and tiny: "Ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping!" We surmised that a retired Swiss bell-ringer had secluded himself in our remote backwater of the great city to mature fresh combinations of his art.

In a frantic effort to forget its hollowness it takes to ping-pong, parchesi and progressive euchre, and seeks to lose itself and find solace and consolation in tiddle-dy-winks.

Though bullets were kicking up spurts of dust in the road or ping-pinging against the steel turret he would not be hurried.

"Society" takes to "slumming" for a seasonjust as for another season it may take to ping-pongbut the fit does not last; and only they keep on through the long, grey days, when neither sun nor stars are seen, who have learnt to look on men with the eyes, and to feel toward them with the heart, of Jesus the Man of Nazareth.

Congress passes the Clay compromise measures admitting California as a free State, but compelling the return of fugitive slaves by the North. - Tai-ping rebellion begins in China.

This was the Tai-ping glory come again for him to share.

Come, Meg and El-len, don't com-plain, For, see, the geese en-joy the rain, And dog-gie does not fret; And yet, The drops come rol-ling down his ears, And nose, and whisk-ers, just like tears; Poor Mop, he's drip-ping wet!

So they were when Char-lie found them, Lost a-mid the crowd a-round them, But so glad when they es-pied him, And came trip-ping home beside him.

8 Words to use with  ping