5 collocations for hee

This king of Cochin is of a small power in respect of the other kings of the Indies, for hee can make but seuentie thousand men of armes in his campe: hee hath a great number of Gentlemen which hee calleth Amochi, and some are called Nairi: these two sorts of men esteeme not their liues any thing, so that it may be for the honour of their king, they will thrust themselues forward in euery danger, although they know they shall die.

Bee hee a Cristian or beleeve in Mawmett I such a one this night tooke in my drawnett.

the Scripture sayes Adam dig'd; could hee digge without Armes?

In what province Resydes hee at this present? Thomas.

"Duke of St. Agatadaughter!" "Nay, heed him not, generous Violetta.

5 collocations for  hee