103 collocations for hiss

"Can it be true that you are dead, old Harmless?" hissed the snake.

He sank his voice and hissed his words in a hoarse stage whisper, while pointing to the ceiling with a dramatic forefinger.

It is strange, however, if Goldsmith was asked to hiss a play for which he wrote the epilogue.

Huge waves rolled in with frightful din, And spat out hissing foam, And smote the sand along the strand, And swept off many a home; And lightnings flashed and thunder crashed From heaven's ink-black dome.

" Half-formed, incoherent sentences like these floated in her mind, seemed to be floating in the air, pronounced by hissing voices.

I like to go to a plain people's play, where the spectators groan and hiss the villain.

It is asserted, that many of the inhabitants of this unfortunate city expiated under the Guillotine the crime of having formerly hissed Collot's successful attempts on the stage.

Charles Lamb once cheerfully helped to hiss off the stage a play he himself had written.

Go talk with him, Go walk with him, Sit down with him by a running stream, Away from the things that are hissing steam, Away from his bench, His hammer and wrench, And the grind of need And the sordid deed, And this you'll find As he bares his mind:

Only once did he even utter a word, hissing out the sentence as though it were a poison: "To hell with you, you sneaking English cur!"

All shod with steel We hissed along the polished ice, in games Confederate, imitative of the chase 35 And woodland pleasures,the resounding horn, The pack loud-chiming, and the hunted hare.

I am aware that this last statement will make many cry "fool" and hiss "Shakespeare!"

So, men can be faithful" saying which he sigheda long, hissing breath, and hid his face within his mittened hand, and turning, strode swiftly upon his way.

I contend that the most virtuous man, under the premises stated, was entitled to make a luxury of the fire, and to hiss it, as he would any other performance that raised expectations in the public mind, which afterwards it disappointed.

"As he released his grip on the bridle reins, he continued, 'Now ride back to the wagon, throw off that gun, tell some of the boys to take a man and count these cattle, and it will be done better than if you helped.' "'Must I continue to listen to these insults on every hand?' hissed the medicine man, livid with rage.

Edison is said to have spent six months hissing S into his phonograph to make it repeat that letter, and many days he worked seventeen hours a day.

Your companions have hissed their persecuted countrymen in the Diet; but do they love their country better than we do, who have shed our blood and sacrificed our intere

"Do you think of crushing me as you crushed the old water-snake?" hissed Crawlie.

I hissed a curse, and passed on, scraping the carpet with my soles, that I might hurt no one: for I did not wish to hurt any one.

"For God's sake, don't fall down that hole now!" hissed Detroit Jim.

And I grant that at that moment she looked noble enough in her anger as she stood discharging her words at me with hissing directness, like bolts shot twanging from the steel cross-bow.

It was a gulph of darkness, where the baneful animal crept, where the cold, gliding serpent maddened the sinner with his envenomed tooth, and hissed the dirge of horror, while the lion prowled along with his noiseless paw, and hungry wolves devoured those whom for their crimes on earth the Druids (unable to conquer or correct) condemned to "Those dark solitudes and awful cells.

"Guests first!" hissed Dorothy, in a fierce whisper, as Ruyven crowded past me, and he slunk back, mortified, while Dorothy, in a languid voice and with the air of a duchess, drawled, "Your arm, cousin," and slipped her hand into my arm, tossing her head with a heavy-lidded, insolent glance at poor Ruyven.

If thou hast the form Of hissing dragon, why to me be cruel?

But the water-snake did not move from the spot, and for a long time the snakes lay there hissing abusive epithets at each other.

103 collocations for  hiss