7 collocations for palling

My pal Loo-ey, by Jack Scholl, Max Rich & Bradford Browne.

As we are not at all desirous of palling the curiosity of the reader for the poem itself, we shall make our extract at random.

The melancholy, the gloom, the condolence which surrounded me for a month after the death of Mr. Haly had depressed my spirits, and palled every enjoyment of life.

Carn't yer jest turn the tables, old hoyster, and come for a bit of a fly? Cut the chawbacons, run up to London, jine me, and we'll pal off to Parry; And if yer don't find it a 'Oliday Skylark, wy, never trust. 'ARRY.

The afternoon palled a little.

The best and noblest pal a man ever 'ad.

The rod of power was new to him, and he felt it his "duty" to use it more frequently than might have been thought necessary by those upon whose sense the privilege had palled.

7 collocations for  palling