8 collocations for rant

Joseph, the old farm-servant, the bitter, ranting Calvinist, is a masterpiece.

CAMBY´SES (3 syl.), a pompous, ranting character in Preston's tragedy of that name, I must speak in passion, and I will do it in king Cambyses' vein.

"An arrant set of vagabonds and tramps,of ranting, strutting, apish creatures, with neither local habitations nor names of their own.

They were "all that brothers should be but the name;" and it is interesting to trace this relationship between the greatest genius of the new time and the son of the statesman who, in the preceding age, stands out serene and strong amid the swarm of turbulent rioters and ranting orators by whom he was surrounded and reviled.

There was no huge "Ilfracombe Hotel," and the Capstone Hill was not strewed with whitey-brown biscuit bags and the fragments of bottles, nor continually vocal with nigger minstrels and ranting preachers.

Show not to all, in ranting prose and verse, The spirit's progress is from bad to worse; And, what were once superfluous to advise, Don't tell, I beg you, such, egregious lies!

When ranting round in pleasure's ring, Religion may be blinded; Or, if she gie a random sting, It may be little minded; But when on life we're tempest-driv'n A conscience but a canker, A correspondence fix'd wi' Heav'n Is sure a noble anchor!

She had been in the habit of "ranting tragedy in barns and country towns, and playing Cupid in a booth, at suburban fairs.

8 collocations for  rant