5 collocations for telle

And many other dyverse bestes ben in tho contrees, and elle where there abouten: and manye dyverse briddes also; of the whiche, it were to longe for to telle zou: and therefore I passe over at this tyme.

There ben manye other dyverse contrees and manye other marveyles bezonde, that I have not seen: wherfore of hem I can not speke propurly, to telle zou the manere of hem.

Un pur formalisme, une étiquette mondaine, telle elle était: rien de plus.

Quand je t'envoie quelque part, ou que je te dis: «Fais telle ou telle chose,» n'obéis-tu pas? ARLEQUIN.

And now I will weare I cannot telle whatt.

5 collocations for  telle