16 examples of antimacassars in sentences

Blood on the carpet, blood on the armchairs and antimacassars, even a little blood spurtled on to the wall, and what was worse, Mrs. Tebrick tearing and growling over a piece of the skin and the legs, for she had eaten up all the rest of it.

He fetched a pail of water and washed out all the stains of blood, gathered up the two antimacassars and fetched clean ones from the other rooms.

The room was seedy and shabby, but with a different seediness and shabbiness from that of Heron Hall; for there was an attempt to conceal its loss of freshness with antimacassars, large in size and hideous of pattern.

Then he saw that her hands and feet were tied with an antimacassar torn into strips, and a rude sort of gag was in her mouth.

coverlet, counterpane, sheet, quilt, tarpaulin, blanket, rug, drugget^; housing; antimacassar, eiderdown, numdah^, pillowcase, pillowslip^; linoleum; saddle cloth, blanket cloth; tidy; tilpah

With a sigh, she glanced around the small room, with its old-fashioned furniture, its antimacassars of the early Victorian era, its wax flowers under their glass dome, and its gipsy-table covered with a hand-embroidered cloth.

There were English chairs, curtains, ottomans covered with antimacassars, sofas and broken mirrors, and in the corner a small piano, ruined and destroyed.

There were small square antimacassars on the chairs, and two of them, side by side, on the back of the sofa.

It was a comfortable little place, with pictures on the walls and antimacassars on all the chairs, and a row of pink vases on the mantelpiece.

Then there was an antimacassar in purple and magenta sateen, with yellow daffodils making a brave attempt to flourish in unlikely surroundings.

Mr. Bensington sat at his window on a hard horse-hair-stuffed arm-chair, covered by a grubby antimacassar that had given a touch of social distinction to the Skinners' sitting-room for many years.

Greatorex drew close to the hearth the horsehair and mahogany armchair with the white antimacassar.

" He darted round the table, pursued by the maligned Mrs. White armed with an antimacassar.

And, as for the antimacassars" "Are you making a long stay, Admiral Peters?" inquired the delighted widow.

She found it at last in some gold-lace antimacassars at Whiteley's!

" She was leaning back in an arm-chair playing with the fringe of an antimacassar.

16 examples of  antimacassars  in sentences