601 examples of bombardment in sentences

In fact, however, the first consignment of gas shell was not delivered in time to enable us to take part in the first part of the bombardment, and I was told not to fire high explosive instead, as that would tend to disperse the gas which other Batteries would be simultaneously firing on the same targets.

We joined in the second part of the gas bombardment in the early hours of the 15th of June, and, when this was nearly over, I got orders to fire at my leisure ten rounds of high explosive at "Archibald," which was our code name for a certain Austrian searchlight, which used to sweep round the country from the summit of Monte Mosciagh on the far side of the Plateau.

Some of the gas shell which had been intended for the first part of the bombardment, but had arrived about four hours too late, was still being unloaded from lorries on the road outside.

The bombardment continued with great fury for several hours, with guns of all calibres, but fortunately mostly small, with shrapnel, high explosive, and gas, chiefly lacrimatory, but mixed with a certain quantity of lethal.

Forced back for a while from their front line trenches, after a prolonged and intense bombardment and by an overwhelming superiority of numbers, they never even fell back to their support line.

The enemy's bombardment, as far as we were concerned, was beginning to slacken a little, but was still heavy.

The subsequent bombardment and burning of towns and villages by the Germans were explained in every case as measures of revenge for hostile acts on the part of non-combatants and intended to prevent their occurrence elsewhere by striking terror into the hearts of the Belgian populace.

Brand Whitlock, United States minister to Belgium, remained at Brussels and played an important part in negotiations which led to the unresisted occupation and march through the city by the Germans in force on August 21 and the consequent escape of Brussels from bombardment and probable ruin.

Other cities occupied by the Germans were also assessed for large sums, which in several instances had to be paid immediately on pain of bombardment.

The suburb of St. Giles also suffered from bombardment and fire.

BOMBARDMENT OF MALINES On Thursday night, August 27, the German artillery bombarded the ancient Belgian town of Malines.

During the bombardment many of the monuments in the town were hit by shells and destroyed.

After fierce street fighting in Denain and Landrecies Sir John French withdrew his headquarters to Le Cateau, which was at once made the target of a terrific bombardment.

On September 21 the Russians began the bombardment of Przemysl, having previously occupied Grodek and Mosciska, west of Lemberg.

The German ship fired and then the destroyers, accompanying the Amphion, surrounded and sank it after a brief combined bombardment.

Huerta, with nearly twice as many men and three times as much artillery, drove Orozco back along the line of the railway after a two days' long-range artillery bombardment, against which the rebels were powerless.

The whole ten hours' bombardment and rifle fire resulted in but fourteen dead rebels; but it won the campaign for the Government, and earned for Huerta his promotion to Major-General besides the proud title of "Hero of Bachimba.

Later, when it became clear that the rebels could not be dislodged from this stronghold by street rushes, no attempt was made to shell them out of their strong position by a high-angle bombardment of plunging explosive shells.

On another occasion, later in the bombardment, when Madero insisted that the Federal artillery should use explosive shells against the Citadel, General Huerta did not hesitate to take it upon himself to countermand the President's suggestions to Colonel Navarrete, the Federal chief of artillery.

Alas, how were all these Passover, Tabernacle and wedding festivals, these happy and joyous days of the Jewish society of Mogador, changed on the bombardment of that city!

One of these, a widow, told them that, during the bombardment of the city, a cannon-ball had entered her house, and had passed by her bedside when her children were in the room, and also that a shell had burst before her door; but on neither occasion were any of the family hurt.

Valenciennes at length capitulated to the royalists, disheartened by the defeat and death of De Marnix, and terrified by a bombardment of thirty-six hours.

aggression, offense; incursion, inroad, invasion; irruption; outbreak; estrapade^, ruade^; coupe de main, sally, sortie, camisade^, raid, foray; run at, run against; dead set at. storm, storming; boarding, escalade^; siege, investment, obsession^, bombardment, cannonade.

"That bilious captain was in a great hurry to send word to Leith that I had got safely by his farewell bombardment.

Petherton and I have just emerged from another bombardment.

601 examples of  bombardment  in sentences