22 examples of capybaras in sentences

Probably it had been hunting for capybaras or tapirs, and it had gone straight through ponds and long, winding, narrow ditches or bayous, where it must now and then have had to swim for a stroke or two.

On the opposite bank stood a capybara, looking like a blunt-nosed pig, its wet hide shining black.

In this country they rambled through the night across the marshes and prowled along the edges of the ponds and bayous, catching the capybaras and the caymans; for these small pond caymans, the jacare-tinga, form part of their habitual food, and a big jaguar when hungry will attack and kill large caymans and crocodiles if he can get them a few yards from the water.

There were plenty of capybaras and deer, and evidently the big spotted cats preferred the easier prey when it was available; exactly as in East Africa we found the lions living almost exclusively on zebra and antelope, and not molesting the buffalo and domestic cattle, which in other parts of Africa furnish their habitual prey.

It was tenanted by the small caymans and by capybaras the largest known rodent, a huge aquatic guinea-pig, the size of a small sheep.

When a capybara was shot and sank in the water, the piranhas at once attacked it, and had eaten half the carcass ten minutes later.

Evidently they did not molest either cayman or capybara while it was unwounded; but blood excited them to frenzy.

We frequently came across ponds tenanted by numbers of capybaras.

Often a capybara would stand or sit on its haunches in the water, with only its blunt, short-eared head above the surface, quite heedless of our presence.

But if alarmed it would dive, for capybaras swim with equal facility on or below the surface; and if they wish to hide they rise gently among the rushes or water-lily leaves with only their nostrils exposed.

In these waters the capybaras and small caymans paid no attention to one another, swimming and resting in close proximity.

The capybara is a game animal only in the sense that a hare or rabbit is.

In some of the ponds the water had about gone, and the capybaras had become for the time being beasts of the marsh and the mud; although they could always find little slimy pools, under a mass of water-lilies, in which to lie and hide.

Capybaras stood or squatted on the banks; sometimes they stared stupidly at us; sometimes they plunged into the river at our approach.

On the marsh the dogs several times roused capybaras.

Where there were no ponds of sufficient size the capybaras sought refuge in flight through the tangled marsh.

Kermit and Fiala went after one on foot, full-speed, for a mile and a half, with two hounds which then bayed itliterally bayed it, for the capybara fought with the courage of a gigantic woodchuck.

If the pack overtook a capybara, they of course speedily finished it; but a single dog of our not very valorous outfit was not able to overmatch its shrill-squeaking opponent.

However, no tapir was found; Kermit killed a collared peccary, and I shot a capybara representing a color-phase the naturalists wished.

We saw caymans and capybaras sitting socially near one another on the sandbanks.

We saw a recent tapir track; and under a cajazeira tree by the bank there were the tracks of capybaras which had been eating the fallen fruit.

The rivers are full of fish which can readily be caught, and, in Brazil, the tapir, capybara, paca, agouti, two or three varieties of deer, and two varieties of wild pig can occasionally be shot; and most of the monkeys are used for food.

22 examples of  capybaras  in sentences