24 examples of cloakrooms in sentences

The lavatories and cloakrooms should be constructed so that there is every chance for a child to become self-reliant and fastidious.

The cloakrooms should be provided with low pegs, boot holes, clothes brushes and shoe brushes: there should be low basins with hot and cold water, enamel mugs and tooth brushes for each child, nail brushes, plenty of towels, and where the district needs it, baths.

After a good deal of thought and many ineffectual talks and experiments with the boy, the teacher came to the conclusion that the mother was right: she took him to the cloakroom after the next outbreak and smacked his hands: he was surprised and a little hurt, but very soon forgot and continued his practices: on the next occasion the teacher repeated the punishment and it was never again necessary.

When Dora Kemp called for the dressing-case and handed in the cloakroom ticket, the attendant gave my men the signal and she was arrested.

It is a sort of al fresco cloakroom where these ladies repair the ravages of wind or storm, where they assemble in the evening to pack their purchases on their beasts of burden, and finally climb to the top of all themselves.

He boarded a surface car for the sake of sitting wedged in amongst a little crowd of people, and he entered his club, noting the number of hats and coats in the cloakroom with a queer sense of satisfaction.

There was a little delay in the cloakroom while the attendant searched for Philip's hat, which had been temporarily misplaced.

They leave their wraps in cloakrooms in the basement, where the ladies are separated from the gentlemen who escort them, because the latter are not formally presented to the vice-queen, but they meet again an hour or so later in the banquet hall after the ceremony is over.

And then the narrow cloakroom, haunted with limp, hanging coats and caps and hats, and finally the entry into the schoolroom, seated rank on rank with priggishly complacent schoolmates, looking up from their books with unfriendly eyes of blame at the figure of the late-comer.

Clattering feet all over the building began moving along the aisles and out towards the cloakrooms.

All the Five A girls had paper bags or pasteboard boxes, and in the air of the Five A cloakroom was a strong smell of vinegar.

At four o'clock Sylvia filed out with the other children to the cloakroom, but there was not the usual quick, practised grab, each for his own belongings.

I must call at the railway station, where I have left my light luggage at the cloakroom.

Weren't they in Number Six?" "No, sir, they were downstairs in the cloakroom.

" "In the cloakroom!"

Don't you understand?" This outburst stirred Joseph to unexampled efforts; he fairly hurled his massive body down the stairs, and a few moments later returned, panting but happy, with news that the lady in Number Six had left a cloak and leather bag in the cloakroom.

It was a young man with a check for the things; he was waiting for them now in the cloakroom and he seemed nervous.

And to the waiter when he appeared: "Tell the woman in the cloakroom to let this young man have the things.

There was a crush in the ample mansion in Alameda Square, as there always was at Miss Van Brock's "open evenings," and when Kent came down from the cloakroom he had to inch his way by littles through the crowded reception-parlors in the search for the Brentwood party.

He wrested a chattering Winona from Mrs. Henrietta Plunkett at the door of the ladies' cloakroom.

As she returned to the cloakroom where her wraps were she was surprised to find Emily Meeks there.

Then one day in the cloakroom he said, "Your great-grandmother" "Not a word against her," I said; and he held his peace.

Chapter Twenty-two Mark Makes a Move Passing hurriedly out of the cloakroom, a little later, Ruth met Simonds, the lieutenant of Frederic Fernand, in the passage.

She left her box behind her at the cloakroom of the railway station, where I suppose it was sold years afterwards.

24 examples of  cloakrooms  in sentences