188 examples of codexes in sentences

We are not, however, informed whether any of the great treasures of the Vatican library came from his handsthe good Vespasian taking more interest in the work of his scribes than in codexes.

2 of the Codex Marcianus (Boissevain).]

A valuable MS. volume in my possession has been thus described by a learned Benedictine: "Codex Membranaceus constans foliis 223 numerando; sæculis ix.

Codex Iustinianus.

Note the rescript of Alexander Severus to a certain Aquila (Codex, ii, 18, 13): Quod in uxorem tuam aegram erogasti, non a socero repetere, sed adfectioni tuae debes expendere.

Paulus, ii, xxiii, 2. Paulus in Dig., 25, 2, 1. Codex, v, 21, 2.

Neratius in Dig., 26, 1, 18. Codex, v, 35, 1. Codex, ii, 12, 18: alienam suscipere defensionem virile officium est ...

Neratius in Dig., 26, 1, 18. Codex, v, 35, 1. Codex, ii, 12, 18: alienam suscipere defensionem virile officium est ...

Digest, 35, 2. E.g. Pliny, Letters, v, 1. Codex, iii, 28, 19; id., iii, 28, 28.

Codex, v, 13, 1, and 18, 1. Ulpian in Dig., iii, 3, 8. Gaius, i, 137.

Cases in which "Complaints of Undutiful Will" were the issue will be found, e.g., in Codex, iii, 28, 1 and 19 and 28; id., iii, 29, 1 and 7. Ulpian in Dig., 38, 16, 1: suos heredes accipere debemus filios filias sive naturales sive adoptivos.

[170] Codex, iv, 12, 2, rescript of Diocletian: ob maritorum culpam uxores inquietari leges vetant.

For these see Codex, v, 9, 1 and 2 and 3. Cf.

Codex, v, 9, 4.

Novellae, ii, 3. Novellae ii, 3. Codex, vi, 40, 2 and 3. Novellae, 22, 44: unde sancimus, si quis prohibuerit ad aliud venire matrimonium, etc. Codex, v, 3, 16.

Novellae, ii, 3. Novellae ii, 3. Codex, vi, 40, 2 and 3. Novellae, 22, 44: unde sancimus, si quis prohibuerit ad aliud venire matrimonium, etc. Codex, v, 3, 16.

Codex, viii, 57 (58), I and 2. Cf.

Codex, viii, 58 (59), 1 and 2. Codex, v, 3, 10.

Codex, viii, 58 (59), 1 and 2. Codex, v, 3, 10.

Codex, i, 3, 54 (56).

Codex, i, 3, 54 (56).

Codex, ix, 49, 10. Codex, v, 16, 24.

For all these enactments see Codex, i, 3, 53 (54), and ix, 13.

The Badianus manuscript (Codex Barberini. Latin 241)

The Liber, or rather Codex, Princeps in the very long and extensive catalogue of works on English Cookery, is a vellum roll called the Form of Cury, and is supposed to have been written about the beginning of the fifteenth century by the master-cook of Richard II who reigned from 1377 to 1399, and spent the public money in eating and drinking, instead of wasting it, as his grandfather had done, in foreign wars.

188 examples of  codexes  in sentences