Do we say foe or faux

foe 2741 occurrences

The expulsion of Tobiah the Ammonite from the room which had been assigned him in the temple by Eliashib, the high priest, was apparently due to two reasons, first because Tobiah was persona non grata to Nehemiah and had already shown himself a dangerous foe to the Jews.

Steinbeck finds flyers show little feeling over foe or war.

Death of a foe.

In aid of a foe.

Her secret foe.

the wily foe, not lurking far, May soon corrupt and desecrate your rest.

My courage swells, while Thou art near, Nor foe nor accident I fear, Though wild the billows be.

If sin, the sting of Death, His Holiness could draw; Why render up His breath Unto a conquered foe? Either, he fallible must be, Or sin hath gained the victory.

I thank Thee, O my heavenly Father, for this discovery; and humbly but confidently, ask Thy protection from my foe.

Bold, in her weakness, close the foe pursued, And oft the bitter conflict was renewed; Conqu'ror at last, she calmly soared away, And left a smile upon the passive clay.

p. 429), "sincere and faithful, a warm friend and an implacable foe, at once replied to the duke, 'Most high and puissant prince, I suppose your letters to have been dictated by your council and highest clerics, who are folks better at letter-making than I am, for I have not lived by quill-driving. . . .

But though here was for the future his only real adversary, Louis XI. continued, and with reason, to regard the Duke of Burgundy as his most formidable foe, and never ceased to look about for means and allies wherewith to encounter him.

During all this time she had a rival and foe in Louis, Duke of Orleans, who was one day to be Louis XII.

Had the foe a fleet he might have expected an attack that way, but he knew that for the present the British and Americans controlled Andiatarocte.

"I come in the canoe of a foe," he said.

CHAPTER X IN THE FOG When Robert went into the fog and began to creep from stump to stump, his imagination leaped up at once and put a foe at every point in front of him.

Willet's band was reënforced also from the camp, and his line extended to meet that of the foe.

He used all the skill that he had learned in the forest to secure an opportunity for the taking of his foe's life.

Those who don't know him always underrate our French foe.

The foe came with the twilight.

"We are ready for the foe, though St. Luc himself should come.

Please God, might I behold him In epauletted white, I should not fear the foe then, I should not fear the fight.

I wanted you to face the foe.

The deadly missiles smite you on every side, but there is no revealing flash by which you can locate your foe.

And the church of Jesus Christ is called to lead in the battle with this foe.

faux 71 occurrences

The host of empirics, mountebanks, and self-dubbed hygeists, which infest the metropolis, and the tinctures, cordials, pills, balms, and essences, so much extolled by their retailers, and swallowed by the public, are indeed so many proofs of the credulity of the age, that to say the least, the march of intellect has evidently made a faux-pas in this direction.

Jeffrey, penitent for the early faux pas of his Review, as Byron remained penitent for his answering assault, writes of Lara, "Passages of it may be put into competition with anything that poetry has produced in point either of pathos or energy."

An account of this faux pas appeared on July 31st in the Kreuz Zeitung and concluded, after denying the truth of the mobilization, with the following paragraph: "If bodies of troops have been moved to various points of our Eastern frontier, then it only means the so-called frontier protection (Grenzschutz), which has been made necessary by our Eastern neighbour strengthening his customary frontier guards by troops of the line.

A Chinese gentleman spends an hour in imploring a relative to dine with him,utterly refusing, so urgent is his desire of company, to accept No for an answer,and then flies into a rage because the cousin commits the faux pas of yielding to his importunity, and agreeing to dine.

certainly had the moral right to marry her, as a nobleman may espouse a servant-girl; but it was a faux-pas which the proud idolaters of rank could not excuse.

For this faux pas the gangling youth stopped Peter, fell to abusing and cursing him for his impudence, his egotism, his attempt at social equality,all of which charges, no doubt, were echoes from the round table.

Whittington and his Cat are a fine hallucination for Mr. Lamb's historic Muse, and we believe he never heartily forgave a certain writer who took the subject of Guy Faux out of his hands.

"Yes, Master AnthonyI mean Mr. Anthony?" He set his teeth at the faux pas.

Faux pas are told in such a modest way, The affair of Colonel B with Mrs. A You must forgive themfor what is there, say, Which such a pliant Vowel must not grant To such a very pressing Consonant? Or who poetic justice dares dispute, When, mildly melting at a lover's suit, The wife's a Liquid, her good man a Mute?

He made no attempt to justify his action beyond stating: "Moi, pas si mauvais, toi pas faux souvenir" ("I am not so bad, I did not try to give you a fake souvenir").

They now sing "Rien n'est plus faux que notre batterie" ("Nothing is more false than our battery").

But that did not save them from the tyranny of a sous-officier, who called them the hardest names his tongue could find when they made any faux pas in their barrack drill, and swore as terribly as those in Flanders when they did not obey his commands with the lightning rapidity of soldiers who have nothing more to learn.

Les faux-monnayeurs, roman.

Les faux-monnayeurs.

Faux passeports.

Faux passeports.

Faux passeports.

In his letters from the East the keen-eyed Count von Moltke notes that the Turk "passes over all the preliminary rigmarole of falling in love, paying court, languishing, revelling in ecstatic joy, as so much faux frais, and goes straight to the point.

[Footnote: Fait faux.

[Footnote: Probablement il s'agit ici de franc-maçonnerie, et le Bavarois que Trousset vouloit faire pendre étoit un faux frère qui avoit révélé les mystères de la compagnie secrète.]


Faux-Froidure was inspired when she painted her charming triptych of 'Rose Life.'

My levée was not quite so successful, as is generally the case, as that tedious old gossip, GUIDO FAUX, obtained admission.

In the waiting-room he told his faux pas to the Ministers, either coming from or going into the Audience Hall, and expressed his annoyance that the proper formula for returning thanks had slipped his mind when it did.

Savez-vous ce que c'est qu'un louis d'or faux?

Do we say   foe   or  faux