289 examples of greenland in sentences

I've been told to-day that, whether in Alaska, Greenland, or British America, they call themselves Innuits, which means human beings.

It seems difficult to conceive how any plants could have survived when Scotland was an archipelago in the same ice-covered condition as Greenland is now; and we have no proof that there existed after the glacial epoch any northern continent from which the plants and animals could have come back to us.

He shows there that even in Greenland peaks and crags are left free enough from ice to support a vegetation of between three hundred or four hundred species of flowering plants; and, therefore, he well says, we must be careful to avoid concluding that the plant and animal life on the dreary shores or mountain-tops of the old glacial Scotland was poor.

The pirates of the Baltic were wrestling with the storms of the wild Cattegat and braving the sleety squalls of the Skager Rack, stretching far out from the land to colonize Iceland and the Faroes, to plant a mysteriously lost nation in Eastern Greenland, and to leave strange traces of themselves by the vine-clad shores of Narraganset Bay.

Iceland, Greenland, and Siberia, that the inhabitants can be induced to make use of them.

Original discovery of Greenland by the Icelanders in the ninth century.

Original Discovery of Greenland by the Icelanders, in the Ninth Century III.

When we came to examine Papers, however, our attorney, Greenland, discovered a suppression of fifteen hundred pounds, which helped pay our debts, discharge the mortgage, etc., as Piozzi, like Portia, permitted me not to sleep by his side with an unquiet soul.

On his first voyage he tried to sail around the northern part of Greenland, but was driven back by the ice and returned to England, whence he had sailed.

In a few days he made the coast of Greenland, which appeared very mountainous, the hills rising like sugar loaves, and covered with snow.

He therefore steered for the south of Greenland, where he encountered great numbers of whales.

Having doubled the southern point of Greenland, he steered northwest, passed in sight of Desolation Island, in the neighborhood of which he saw a huge island or mountain of ice, and continued northwest till the latter part of June, when he came in sight of land bearing north, which he supposed to be an island set down in his chart in the northerly part of Davis's Strait.

"A Student" may consult the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, Copenhagen, Mr. Geogehan's Ireland, O'Flaherty's Ogygia, Magnusen and Rafn On the Historical Monuments of Greenland and America, and some of the Sagas. SCOTUS.

This route, taking the extreme northern coast of Scotland as its point of departure, and touching the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Greenland, strikes our continent upon the coast of Labrador, making the longest submarine section eight hundred miles, about one-third the length of the Atlantic cable.

They keep watch aboard the fellow, like the sun in Greenland six months on deck, and six months below!"

Have not the missionaries of the Unitas Fratrum, or Moravian Brethren, encountered the scorching heat of Abyssinia, and the frozen climes of Greenland, and Labrador, their difficult languages, and savage manners?

Witness the trade to Persia, the East-Indies, China, and Greenland, yea even the accursed Slave-Trade on the coasts of Africa.

But none of the moderns have equalled the Moravian Brethren in this good work; they have sent missions to Greenland, Labrador, and several of the West-Indian Islands, which have been blessed for good.

Greenland Undiscovered 7,000 Pagans, and Moravian Christians.

If space permitted, an interesting statement could he made of the changes which have taken place in vegetation in Greenland, and throughout certain northern parts of Europe,also in Palestine, Greece, and other southern countries,while we know that the earth's inclination upon its axis has been unchanged.

505 Winchester's Opportunity 106 GREENLAND, GEORGE Going to the Bank 494 GUTHRIE, ANSTEY Dogs' Delight 348 Treacherous Son (The) 420 HEALY, LESLIE Day (The) 410 HERBERT, LIEUT.

Kah-da; life of a north Greenland Eskimo boy.

Cupples & Leon Co. (PWH); 2May57; R191361. Lost over Greenland; or, Slim Tyler's search for Dave Boyd.

Reports of the Greenland expeditions of the University of Michigan, 1926-31.

National Geographic Society index to map of Canada, Alaska and Greenland.

289 examples of  greenland  in sentences