27 examples of gymnasia in sentences

Messrs. Beecher, Bellows, and Hale plead the cause of amusements; the author of "Saints and their Bodies" celebrates the uses and urges the need of athletic sports; gymnasia are becoming matters of course in the cities and larger towns; "The New York Tribune" attends to the matter of cookery; and it is safe to predict that the habits of the people will undergo in time the necessary changes.

The gymnasia were universally frequented; and the great prizes of the games, bestowed for feats of strength and agility, were regarded as the highest honors which men could receive,the subject of the poet's ode and the people's admiration.

The rapid advance in learning, however, especially in the universities and the gymnasia, led to the discussion of innumerable subjects, including endless theories of government and the rights of man, by which discontent was engendered and virtue was not advanced.

Such as a man ought to study all day, and not to be affected by anything that is not his own, neither by companion nor place nor gymnasia, and not even by his own body, but to remember the law and to have it before his eyes.

Fifty years ago the Slovaks, who even then numbered over two millions, possessed three gymnasia (middle schools) which they had founded and maintained by their own exertions.

Much has been written on Pedagogy, its history general and special, the common schools and gymnasia; but until 1854 there was not even a general work on the history of the universities.

Even should he have attended regularly any of the many private academies, or the Realschule, where thorough instruction is given, but with less special, though no slight attention to Latin and Greek, and more to mathematics and practical branches, even then he must acquire from one of the gymnasia the exemption-and-maturity-right.

The conclusion of the training-system in the gymnasia usually occurs before the nineteenth or twentieth year.

The angel then said to me, "All hell consists of such persons, who are there called satans and devils; satans, if they have confirmed themselves in favor of nature to the denial of God, and devils, if they have lived wickedly, and thereby rejected all acknowledgement of God from their hearts; but I will lead you to the gymnasia, which are in the south-west, where such persons dwell, having not yet departed to their infernal abodes."

GYMNASIA in the spiritual world, 151*, 207, 315, 380. GYMNASIA, Olympic, in the spiritual world, where the ancient sophi and many of their disciples met together, 151*.

GYMNASIA in the spiritual world, 151*, 207, 315, 380. GYMNASIA, Olympic, in the spiritual world, where the ancient sophi and many of their disciples met together, 151*.

In a country of endowed grammar schools and universities hardly emerged from a mediæval discipline and curriculum, he wanted to set up Greek gymnasia and philosophical schools, after the fashion of the Porch and the Academy.

But in their proper classical interpretation the public gymnasia were, to a great extent, places set apart for physical education and training.

The hardy Spartans, who valued most the qualities of bravery, endurance, and self-denial, used the gymnasia only as schools of training for the more sanguinary contests of war.

Athens boasted three public gymnasia,the Cynosarges, the Lyceum, and the Academy.

Such a variety of useful purposes were thus subserved by the gymnasia, that it will be proper to look briefly at their internal arrangements.

All the sports of the gymnasia were either games, or special exercises for the contests of the public festivals.

Some of the gymnasia were dedicated to Apollo, god of physicians.

Gymnasia are somewhat patronized by the civilians.

Our larger towns and cities still support gymnasia of greater or less size and perfectness.

As our gymnasia are usually private, and only moderately frequented, the gymnast is not stimulated to those exertions which society and competition would arouse.

They were also placed in front of the temples, in the gymnasia or schools, in libraries, and at the corners of streets, and in the roads.

Our model city is of course well furnished with baths, swimming baths, Turkish baths, playgrounds, gymnasia, libraries, board schools, fine-art schools, lecture halls, and places of instructive amusement.

If literature is not the essential requisite of the modern academick, I am yet persuaded, that Cambridge and Oxford, however degenerated, surpass the fashionable academies of our metropolis, and the gymnasia of foreign countries.

Sanatoria, memoranda, gymnasia are now replacing sanatorium, memorandums, and gymnasiums; automata, formulae, and lacunae are taking the place of automatons, formulas, and lacunas; indices and apices of indexes and apexes, miasmata of miasmas or miasms; and even forms like lexica, rhododendra, and chimeræ have been recently noted in the writings of authors of repute.

27 examples of  gymnasia  in sentences