28 examples of heart pound in sentences

His heart pounded so loudly that Graham could hear it from across the room.

Kurt held his breath while he peered down the gloomy road, his heart pounding, his hands gripping the rifle.

My heart pounded like a hammer as I rapped on the wooden panels and waited some response from within.

He stopped and looked about him how her heart pounded then!

Mr. Heatherbloom felt vaguely disturbed; his heart pounded oddly.

His heart pounded hard; he could see a form passing in front of the machine; the light of the lamp enabled him now to make out the other occupantsthree men.

With a gasping cry she awoke, started up with every nerve stretched and quivering, her heart pounding as if it would choke her.

" CHAPTER XXII Wingate, notwithstanding his iron nerve, awoke with a start, in the grey of the following morning, to find his heart pounding against his ribs and a chill sense of horror stealing into his brain.

Her hand trembled nervously and for an instant her lip quivered in a way that set Howland's heart pounding tumultuously within him.

" Miss Edith Herndon and her sister came up on deck at that moment, and if I was impressed by the calm sweetness of the elder girl's face on the previous afternoon, the strength and beauty of it as I saw it in the fresh morning sunlight made my heart pound violently against my ribs.

A snowball hit the window before him, a soft crash and spread of drip, and there rose from the mob a fiendish yell that seemed itself a power, making the heart pound, dizzying the brain.

She waited, her heart pounding against her ribs, her breath coming short and stifled.

Again her heart pounded hard, her breath shortened.

They had reached the climax of the scene; Danton had told his love as only a great, starved love can tell itself, and with swimming eyes and fluttering lids, with heart pounding beneath her folded hands, Diane swayed toward him and his arms enfolded her.

The enthusiasm of that immense crowd astonished me, and in spite of the fact that I had come as a tired old man, it got into my veins until my heart pounded and my pulses leaped.

" The girl looked up at him again, and he could feel his heart pound against his ribs.

The old man's heart pounded like a trip-hammer.

I stole in shadow from the hall, my heart pounding, but my purpose very steady, and passed silently through passages and corridors where here and there lay one in besotted sleep, until at last I came out in a little court by the postern.

Although his heart pounded a moment or two at first he was surprised to find how soon he became calm.

Her lips parted and her heart pounded like a hammer.

At the corner I peered about, scarcely daring to breathe, but with heart pounding, as I caught sight of the fellow, not over three feet distant.

Heart pounding, Davy waited beside the road.

Heart pounding, he went up on the store porch with his mother and pushed the door open.

She knew that she was growing pale and she could feel her heart pounding at her side, but she managed to rise, and, turning, faced a blond young man near at hand, who had protruding teeth and grinned at her like a sardonic rabbit.

I crept to the side of the wagon and listened for her breathing; and when I heard it my hands trembled, and my heart pounded in my breast.

28 examples of  heart pound  in sentences