406 examples of huh in sentences

" "Huh-uh," grunted Buckheath, instantly.

"Huh?" he grunted.

"Uh-huh," commented Bob Conley, who had strolled up in the old man's wake.

" "Uh-huh," nodded the newcomer.

"'Uh-huh,' I says, 'you-all air a-goin' to get one o' them, air ye?

" "Uh-huh," agreed Pros, "Jess is a terrible wicked manin speech that-

"Huh," said Brutus suddenly.

"What news, you black rascal?" "Huh," said Brutus again, and handed him a spotted slip of paper.

"Huh," said Brutus.

"Huh!" said Brutus, and his grin grew broader.

"Huh?" said the Witch, dropping Graham like a sack of potatoes.

Huh! just like Slippery Steve to get out of the hard work we've going to have cutting enough brush for making our shanty shelter tonight; seeing that we didn't fetch our bully old tent along this trip.

" "Huh! and perhaps nobody else ever heard of them either, Max," grunted the far from satisfied Bandy-legs.

"I thought the Esquimos lived in snow houses," said Ted, as they looked at the queer little huts, and Kalitan exclaimed: "Huh! Innuit queer Indian!" "No," said Mr. Strong; "his hut is built by digging a hole about six feet deep and standing logs up side by side around the hole.

"Huh! little those fellows care about that They're a rough lot, you know.

Now, if this here old craft was an automobile, how much would I have to pay for tires with a blow-out every minute, huh?"

" "They wouldn't, huh?"

"Nothing would shake you, huh?" he said.

" "He gave it to Mr. Ellsworth, huh?"

A killie, huh?

Don't believe nothing he says!" "Huh!" chuckled Sinclair.

"Huh! seems to me there would be something doing if you happened to run across Puss Carberry at the other side of the world," declared Andy.

Eh, Shorty?" "Huh!" grunted Shorty.

"Huh!" grunted Shorty again, mumbling his words very much like a drunkard.

"'Huh,' says I, 'I'm here to see and do my talking afterwards.'

406 examples of  huh  in sentences