89 examples of i need to in sentences

Do I need to tell you?

If I haven't the right to speak to anybody I need to, why it certainly isn't your place to tell me of it.

It gives me all the clue I need to our fleet-footed friend.

Do I need to go any further, or do we understand each other?" "No," snapped Captain Tracy hoarsely.

I a'n't above takin' friendly help when I need to, but I mean mostly to help myself.

And a few days is all I need to find out what I want to.

That I need to love me my long way through, Only you, dear, you.

I don't ask that much, but of all the men I know you are the only one who can help me as I need to be helped.

Of these two, the first has to do with the college curriculum, but I need to devote little time to this for the principle has already been developed and applied in a singularly stimulating and lucid book called "The Liberal College," by President Meiklejohn of Amherst, to which I beg to refer you.

much as I want some hours of rest, much as I need to become acquainted with my ground, before I enter publicly on matters of business, I yet took it for a duty of honour to respond at once to your generous welcome.

I have a great deal of work to do, and I need to be alone; and you, dear, you ought to go to your brother.

I need to return these books.

"I need to find Muni.

"I need to sit down," he said.

I don't suppose I need to tell you that you would get very little idea of the inside of my house from the outside.

"II think I need to talk to somebody.

How could a poor boy, fresh from the groves of our Academy, where Good Taste reigned supreme, and where to learn how to manage one's voice was regarded as a sin against sincerity, how could he meet such demands as these? I was more discouraged than I need to have been; for, after all, the resemblances in human beings are more than their differences.

I need to get a grip on Bucks and I mean to do it.

If I need to tweak my brothers for that, a little 'mea culpa'.

Solely occupied with this great object, which demands enormous labor, and for the accomplishment of which I would willingly sacrifice my existence, I only beg your Majesty to accord to me, until I have carried it out, so much support and appearance of favor as I need to give me strength to attain it.

Why, what have you got there?" "What I need to make Peter come with me," laughed Lolla.

Five miles by trolley is nothing for you boys, or for me, when I need to come in.

"You see," he explained, "a razor is all I need to complete my outfit.

I need to try to write potry in good big dictionary words, but I hadn't but 'mazin little schoolin', and lived along of a set of folks that talked jes' like I do.

"What do I need to learn how for?"

89 examples of  i need to  in sentences