Do we say lentil or lintel

lentil 93 occurrences

Lentil Paste is made by using cooked lentils in place of the beans.

Take a dessert-spoonful lentil flourthe "Digestive" lentil flour is always to be depended onsmooth with a little cold milk or water in a saucepan.

Take a dessert-spoonful lentil flourthe "Digestive" lentil flour is always to be depended onsmooth with a little cold milk or water in a saucepan.

Savoury Lentil Pie.

The same paste can be put over any stewGerman Lentil, Haricot Bean, &c.great care being taken that there is plenty of liquid.

Savoury Lentil Pie.

SOUPS Almond Milk Asparagus Brown Brown Sonbise Brazil Butter Peas Chestnut Cauliflower Celery Clear Soup a la Royale "Digestive" Pea Green Pea German Lentil Haricot Hotch-Potch Julienne Mulligatawny Mock Cock-a-Leekie

LENTIL PUREE.Cook the lentils and rub through a colander as for peas puree.

LENTIL GRAVY WITH RICE.Rub a cupful of cooked lentils through a colander to remove the skins, add one cup of rich milk, part cream if it can be afforded, and salt if desired.

PEASE GRAVY.A gravy prepared either of dried or green peas as directed for Lentil Gravy on page 226, makes a suitable dressing for baked potatoes.

Lentil gravy is also good for the same purpose.

The addition of a little lemon juice to the lentil gravy makes another variety.

Fresh Fruit Rolled Oats Peach Toast Cottage Cheese Hoe Cake Graham Wafers Graham Puffs Stewed Fruit DINNER Lentil and Parsnip Soup Mashed Potato Celery Hulled Corn Scalloped Tomato Macaroni with Raisins Raised Corn Bread Cream Crisps Stewed Fruit Farina Blancmange THIRD DAY

Fresh Fruit Rice with Fig Sauce Graham Gruel Lentil Toast Beaten Biscuits Graham Gems Zwieback Baked Potato with Cream Gravy Stewed Fruit DINNER Mixed Potato Soup Macaroni with Kornlet Baked Beans Graham Grits Toasted Beaten Biscuit Whole-Wheat Bread Sally Lunn Gems Stewed Fruit Fig Pudding with

Oyster Soup Boiled Potato with Lentil Gravy Turnips in Juice Celery with Tomato Cracked Wheat Toasted Rolls Raised Biscuit Oatmeal Gems Stewed Fruit Tapioca and Fig Pudding

Fresh Fruit Rice with Lentil Gravy Gravy Toast Sliced Tomato Graham Puffs Toasted Wafers

Fresh Fruit Steamed Rice with Grape Sauce Prune Toast Graham Bread Toasted Wafers Crusts Baked Pears Stewed Fruit DINNER Swiss Lentil Soup Baked Potato Baked Squash Chopped Cabbage Boiled Wheat Graham Bread Rye Gems Toasted Wafers Stewed Fruit Rice Snowballs FIFTH DAY BREAKFAST

Fresh Fruit Rolled Oats Lentil Toast Whole-Wheat Puffs Toasted Wafers Graham Bread Stewed Fruit DINNER Tomato and Macaroni Soup Baked Sweet Potato Stewed Celery Boiled Green Corn Rolled Rye Graham Bread Currant Puffs Sticks

Fresh Fruit Samp and Milk Gravy Toast Whole-Wheat Puffs Toasted Wafers Hoe Cake Baked Apples Stewed Fruit DINNER Swiss Lentil Soup Mashed Potatoes Celery and Tomato Turnip with Cream Sauce Oatmeal Crisps Graham Bread Toasted Wafers Graham Grits Stewed Fruit Baked Corn Meal Pudding

Fresh Fruit Oatmeal Lentil Toast Macaroni with Tomato Sauce Cream Rolls Rye Bread Toasted Wafers Stewed Fruit Roasted Almonds DINNER Potato Soup Potato Puff Browned Parsnips Celery Mashed Peas Rolled Wheat Rye Bread Whole-Wheat Puffs Graham Crisps Apple Rose Cream SABBATH BREAKFAST

Fresh Fruit Graham Grits Blackberry Toast Rice with Lentil Gravy Graham Puffs Toasted Wafers Rye Bread Baked Apples Stewed Fruit DINNER Bean and Hominy Soup Boiled Potatoes

Fresh Fruit Steamed Rice Lentil Toast Whole-Wheat Puffs Graham Crisps Fruit Bread

Fresh Fruit Cerealine Flakes Cream Toast Graham Puffs Fruit Bread Toasted Wafers Baked Apples Stewed Fruit DINNER Swiss Lentil Soup Boiled Potatoes with Cream Sauce Scalloped Tomato Stewed Vegetable Oysters Pearl Barley Graham Bread Rye Gems Toasted Wafers Lemon Apples Stewed Fruit SECOND DAY BREAKFAST

Fresh Fruit Oatmeal Vegetable Oyster Toast Lentil Puree Toasted Wafers Corn Puffs Graham Bread

Lentil Soup Mashed Potato Boiled Macaroni Canned Okra and Tomato Corn Bread Graham Puffs Toasted Wafers Stewed Fruit Fresh Fruit and Nuts

lintel 81 occurrences

she spake no word, her swimming eyes oped suddenly wide, and with arms yet outstretched she stared and stared beyond Sir Gui in so much that he turned and started back amazedto behold one clad as a dusty miller, a mighty man whose battered hat touched the lintel and whose great bulk filled the doorwaya very silent man who looked and looked with neck out-thrust, yet moved not and uttered no word.

The lintel of the shrine is surmounted with inferior coloured pictures of Hindu deities, and two printed and tolerably faithful portraits of the great Maratha chieftain.

The lintel of the doorway of the Mycenaean treasury is composed of a single stone twenty-seven feet long and sixteen broad.

At the eastern end, behind the altar, there were two dark-red pillars of porphyry; above them a lintel of the same stone, on which was carved the figure of a winged archer, with his arrow set to the string and his bow drawn.

His broad shoulders filled the portal from side to side, and the peak of his white cap all but touched the lintel.

ultraje, m., outrage, insult, affront. umbral, m., threshold; lintel.

We took off our slippers before touching the lintel of the door, as the place was particularly holy.

Preparatory to entering the house she had taken off her gloves, and now one pinky-brown hand rested on the door lintel below him.

Before entering, she glanced up at the lintel and saw that the ancient arms of the Serra were roughly sculptured in the old marble, and she knew that she was on the threshold of her home.

6, 22, the two side posts, and the upper door posts, and the lintel of the houses are mentioned.

One massive beam, crumbling and worm-eaten, as may be supposed after the centuries that it has been there, may still be seen serving as the lintel of a window.

A blinding snow-storm was being released over the city, and the fierce gusts eddied about the corner of Fifth Avenue, blew into drifts, lodged on sill and cornice and lintel, and blotted out the sky and the world.

The treatment of the angles after the manner of the thirteenth century "shouldered" lintel in order to take off the harshness of the rectangular form and to give a better bearing for the lintels is noteworthy and should be compared with the more developed forms at St. John's Church.

By the marks on the lintel she knew that Eudemarec had refreshed him in the hut, but she could not tell whether he was yet within.

Moon, that against the lintel of the west, and others.

is the maxim engraved upon the lintel of this new Temple of Initiation.

" Ted left off embracing the lintel of the door and walked straight up to her, quite forgetting to wipe his feet.

The next moment the door itself was thrown open from within; a flood of light burst forth upon the gloomy landing from the room beyond, the babel of many voices became loud and clear, and as the two men stood for a moment beneath the lintel a veritable chorus of many exclamations greeted them from every side.

" Arrived on the second-floor landing, we were confronted by a solid-looking door on the lintel of which the deceased man's name was painted in white lettering which still looked new and fresh.

" An hour later, Lorry, fresh-faced and smiling, knocked on the lintel of their open doorway.

The woodcut of a carved lintel conveys a fair idea of this work, and also of the old Juniper wood tankards of a much later time.

S. door (note the carving on the lintel) and a Norm.

Then, catching by the lintel, she broke into that most deep of all adoring cries, "I know that my Redeemer liveth.

" He took us to the white house at the corner, and, pressing a spring concealed in the wood-work of the lintel, rung a bell of shrill and peculiar timbre.

Vernon and his sweet wife Marion spent the first season of their happy married life under my lintel-tree, and are now our nearest neighbors in our new land of sojourn.

Do we say   lentil   or  lintel