1135 examples of loosening in sentences

"Aye," nodded Roger, loosening sword in sheath, "and Sir Robert is a dour fighter I've heard.

I think it is R.H. Hutton who remarks that it is not "easy to give us a firm grasp of any great class of truths without loosening our grasp on some other class of truths perhaps nobler and more vital;" and undoubtedly Patmore and his school in emphasizing the fallacies of neo-platonic asceticism are in danger of precipitating us into fallacies every whit as uncatholic.

Hildebrand saw and lamented the countless evils of the day, especially those which were loosening the bands of clerical obedience, and undermining the absolutism which had become the great necessity of his age.

He no longer cared for preferment in politics, though once it had been the source of a strong desire to represent Suffolk at Albany; even the meeting, and its honours, was loosening its hold on his mind; while his fellow-men, his kindred included, were regarded by him as little more than so many competitors, or tools.

there is a hand aloft loosening his topsailand there goes up a whole mainsail, already!"

Nearly the whole summer was before them, and there was the possibility of their even being too soon for the loosening of the ice further south.

He ran his finger, as stated, along the crack, and his knuckle pressed against the roof, and to his surprise there appeared to be a loosening.

This will do more towards softening his coat and loosening his bowels than any thing else.

Instead, therefore, of loosening the lasso and re-commencing the struggle, he tore a branch from a neighbouring bush, cut the hobbles, strode with his legs across the fallen steed, seized the end of the short line or bridle, and then, ordering Crusoe to quit his hold, he loosened the noose which compressed the horse's neck and had already well-nigh terminated its existence.

"Stay back, Crusoe, and watch my rifle, pup," he cried, and raising his heavy switch he brought it down with a sharp cut across the horse's flank, at the same time loosening the rein which hitherto he had held tight.

The packing has become dry and by loosening it up and applying oil you may remedy the trouble until such time as you can repack it with fresh packing.

Therefore he now brought his pony to a slow lope, and loosening his rope, he swung the noose in a wide circle; he was ready to plunge to either side and cast the lariat.

The discharge from thrush is not so profuse, and is thicker and darker in colour, while the loosening of the horn is almost entirely absent.

The last few days had shown him anew how their hold on him was loosening.

Just how much had been loosening before thatsome, he knewjust how much would have more or less insecurely held its place had it not been for that night, he was not prepared to sayeven to himself.

Besides these there are also other various diseases; as lipothamia, which is a total faintness of body, and defect of strength; paralysis, which is a loosening and relaxation of the membranes and ligaments which serve for motion; epilepsy; permanent infirmity arising from apoplexy; certain chronical diseases; the iliac passion; rupture; besides other diseases, which the science of pathology teaches.

Then, loosening the pistol in his belt, but drawing his long hunting knife, he crept from the thicket.

Duprat, meantime, was working over the prisoner, rubbing his wrists, loosening his shirt and collar.

She stopped at the captain's sleeping room without wishing to pass the threshold, without loosening her hold on the brass doorknob in her right hand.

"I yieldedstifling my qualmsto the almost overpowering temptation; and merely throwing off my coat, and loosening my cravat, I lay down, limiting myself to half-an-hour's doze in the unwonted enjoyment of a feather bed, a coverlet, and a bolster.

In such a population there was of course much loosening of the bands, social, political, moral, and religious, which knit a society together.

After using all his strength in long-continued efforts, he succeeded in loosening the bar of his bed-room window.

Jack, loosening his riata as he dismounted, caught the loop over the high horn and let the rope drop to the ground.

It eddied in clouds of dead and whirling leaves, and sent big torn branches flying aloft; it took the house by the four corners and shook it to loosening the rafters, and I felt the chair rock under me; it rumbled down the chimney as if it would tear the life out of us.

One man who confessed that a set-screw in his goggles worked loose was expelled from the club as too matter-of-fact to be eligible for membership, and the maker of the machine he used sent four-page communications to each trade paper explaining that the loosening of the set-screw was due to no defect in the machine, but was entirely the fault of the driver, who jarred the screw loose by winking his eye.

1135 examples of  loosening  in sentences