8 examples of medin in sentences

When the riuer of Tygris is well replenished with water, you may passe from Babylon to Basora in eight or nine dayes, and sometimes more and sometimes lesse: we were halfe so much more which is 14 or 15 daies, because the waters were low: they may saile day and night, and there are some places in this way where you pay so many medins on a baile: if the waters be lowe, it is 18 dayes iourney.

For wee came very well furnished of euery thing, and euery day we eat fresh mutton, because there came many shepheards with vs with their flocks, who kept those sheepe that we bought in Babylon, and euery marchant marked his sheepe with his owne marke, and we gaue the shepheards a Medin, which is two pence of our money for the keeping and feeding our sheep on the way and for killing of them.

And beside the Medin they haue the heads, the skinnes, and the intrals of euery sheepe they kil.

Nutmegs, the bateman, 45 medins, and 40 medins maketh a duckat Ginger, 40 medins.

Nutmegs, the bateman, 45 medins, and 40 medins maketh a duckat Ginger, 40 medins.

Nutmegs, the bateman, 45 medins, and 40 medins maketh a duckat Ginger, 40 medins.

Pepper, 75 medins.

Turbetta, the bateman, 50 medins.

8 examples of  medin  in sentences