17 examples of prynce in sentences

Perle plesaunte to prynces paye, To clanly clos in golde so clere!

This on is mayster of his houshold, another is his chamberleyn, another servethe him of a dissche, another of the cuppe, another is styward, another is mareschalle, another is prynce of his armes: and thus is he fulle nobely and ryally served.

It was somtyme an Emperour there, that was a worthi and a fulle noble prynce, that hadde Cristene knyghtes in his companye, as he hathe that is how.

But might there not be somethynge given the prynce To stay hys journey?

But what will not soothd prynces?

The wantonst thought in prynces made me looke Beyond the hower of deathe.

Why, in suche casses, where basse pollycie Works on the lives of prynces, God forbydd But one mans oathe should stand for testymonye.

Deare Sir, forbeare; see howe theise prynces scorne Thys toe much wanton passyon.

No more, no more, tys daungerous jestinge with edge toole[s], muche more with prynces.

If prynces have edgtooles I graunte it; but does his grave majestie looke like a lorde of that mettall?

O doe not feare; my bountye shall exceede The power of thyne askynge; thou shalt treade Uppon the heads of prynces.

Suche as can come from sorrowe: he is all Wretchednes and mysfortune, and in me Speaks to your sacred goodnes to be pleasd Voutsafe to call your fayre dove to your fyst (Mercye I meane) that may abate the stroake Of your sharpe eagle justyce, and you will Be wrytt the best of prynces.

And I comend your vertue, but thys suyte Is past all restytution: to thys prynce I've given all your father governed.

Thy father houlds as much unworthynes As may excusse tyrranye in a prynce: Yet for thys goodnes & thys industrye, Th'example of the sweetest disposytion, For all th'offences yet reveald unto me I freelye pardon hym.

What a lardge passage or cyrcompherence Theise prynces make to come unto the way Which lyes before theire nosses!

"Right heigh and myghty Prynce, my goode and gracious Lorde,I recommaund me to you as lowly as I kan or may with all my pouer hert, desiryng to hier goode and gracious tydynges of your worshipful astate and welfare.

"The Compost of Ptholomeus, Prynce of Astronomye, translated out of the Frenche into Englysshe."

17 examples of  prynce  in sentences