5552 examples of raying in sentences

And the bright eyes with the deep crow's-feet raying out from the corners scanned the country in so keen and knowing a fashion that the Boy, with hope reviving, ventured: "Areare you a prospector?" "No.

The first is a very tall and slender-culmed grass, three to seven feet high, with four or five purple finger-like spikes raying upward from the top.

You might have written in the margin of your play-book"Let there be a few rushes laid in the place where Back-winter shall tumble, for fear of 'raying his clothes:" or set down, "Enter Back-winter, with his boy bringing a brush after him, to take off the dust, if need require."

To-day the prisonerstwo hundred in allcrowded the floor, the stairs, even the deep gallery above; but on the south side, facing the staircase, two heavy curtains had been looped back from the atrium, and there a ray of wintry sunshine fell through the glass roof upon the famous Bayfield pavement and the figure of Narcissus gravely expounding it.

A midsummer moon-ray fell through the uncurtained lantern beneath the dome and spread in a small pool of silver at her feet.

The ray of a lantern, as the search-party jolted it, flashed and danced on wall and ceiling of the dim boudoir.

But when they see his glorious raies unclowded, With steddy steps they keepe the perfect way: So, while this Muse in forraine land doth stay, Invention weepes, and pennes are cast aside; The time, like night, deprivd of chearfull day; And few doe write, but ah!

One day when Keats should have been listening to a surgical lecture, "there came," he says, "a sunbeam into the room and with it a whole troop of creatures floating in the ray: and I was off with them to Oberon and fairy land.

Such as is the ray of light which falls on the water, such are the appearances.

When the water is moved, the ray also seems to be moved, yet it is not moved.

Beyond these, South and West of them, was the enormous bulk of the South-West Watcher, and from the ground rose what we named the Eye Beama single ray of grey light, which came up out of the ground, and lit the right eye of the monster.

"Take heed that ye despise not these little ones," he said to himself, "for in heaven their angels" A ray of tenderness fell on the old man's head; it was from the Shining One who watched the children.

But that was long gone by: and waste and war, And civil strife more ruthless still than they, Had quenched the lustre of Glen-Lynden's star, Which glimmered now, with dim reclining ray, O'er this secluded spot,sole remnant of their sway.

Would you mind standing out a little from the shadow?" Phebe moved a step forward into the stream of light that shot across the piazza from the open window, and stood so, looking up at him out of her soft white muslin draperies and white ribbons, not a ray of color about her anywhere, like a very material and sweet little ghost.

The day was beginning to dawn,the day of his Passion, of our Redemption,and a faint ray penetrating the narrow vent-hole of the prison, fell upon the holy and immaculate Lamb, who had taken upon himself the sins of the world.

I was quite overwhelmed with feelings of love and compassion when I looked upon him thus welcoming the first dawn of the great day of his Sacrifice, and that ray of light which penetrated into his prison might, indeed, be compared to the visit of a judge who wishes to be reconciled to a criminal before the sentence of death which he has pronounced upon him is executed.

These men, solid and patient as the earth, would have been of great use to Clerambault, and his vivid intelligence would have been like a ray of sunshine to them.

Where did he find anything as good as that?" Anonymous approval was sweet enough; but she was to taste a moment more exquisite when, in the proscenium box across the house, she saw Clare Van Degen seated beside the prim figure of Miss Harriet Ray.

" "She WASWasn't she, Harriet?" Miss Ray pinched her lips together without speaking, and Mrs. Van Degen paused for the fraction of a second.


SEE De Vita, Anthony Ray.

DE VITA, ANTHONY RAY. Standard dance music guide; musicians' handbook.

© 21Mar39; AA294342. A. Ray De Vita (A); 23Jan67; R402045.

In the face of John here, the boy I had allus abused for no-git-up and shiftless, I beheld loving-kindness and onselfishness writ large and fair; looking on little Evy, I seed love divine in her tender eyes, and light raying out from her yaller hair and from the other seven smaller head' bunched around her like cherubim'.

There was among their number, this year, one whom I had never before seenthe mother of the elder Day-kau-ray.

5552 examples of  raying  in sentences