11 examples of scoundrelism in sentences

That rat at the dykes of civilization, that ultimate expression of political scoundrelism, the Gun-Runner, has to be kept under and stamped out in Africa as everywhere.

A very pretty bit of scoundrelism; eh, me dears?"

It is easier to wean an ignorant fanatic from his error than a confirmed scoundrel from his scoundrelism.

There is generally a scoundrelism about a low man.'

5. Boswell forgets scoundrelism, ante, p. 106, which, I suppose, Johnson coined.

Triumvirs were appointed to investigate the matter; but one of them was Scaurus, sure to float most buoyantly where the scum of scoundrelism was thickest.

He went away from the club thoughtfully, and it may be said, in full justice to a past which was far from immaculate, that in his present thoughts he touched a depth of scoundrelism far beyond anything of which he had as yet deemed himself capable.

Both Richardson and Fielding were conscious of a moral intention; but where Richardson is sentimental, vulgar, and moral only so far as it is moral (as in Pamela), to inculcate selling at the highest price or (as in Grandison) to avoid temptations which never come in your way, Fielding's morality is fresh and healthy, and (though not quite free from the sentimentality of scoundrelism) at bottom sane and true.

In that case there was a little more sub rosa reward for this well-inspired justice, weighed but featherwise against the overwhelming relief of the knowledge he could make wrong things right again, repair his, yes, his scoundrelism.

Nobody would believe in such simplicity of scoundrelism even if it were pointed out.

Scoundrelism, v. 106.

11 examples of  scoundrelism  in sentences