98 examples of senate's in sentences

Thou wilt not withhold the name of thy correspondent?" "It is a noble Neapolitan, who hath long sojourned in Venice, on matters touching a great succession, and some right even to the senate's dignity.

"They have passed with other movables of which the state taketh no account, into the keeping of his kinsman and successorif it be the senate's pleasure that there shall be a successor to that ancient nameDon Camillo of St. Agata.

Thou art fairly in the senate's business, worthy Stefano, I say to myself, and therefore the less reason that thou should'st be particular in the quality of the merchandise.

"Thou canst not impeach the senate's justice, old man, or utter aught in truth against the known impartiality of the laws?" "Sovrano mio!

" "There is a solemn and necessary duty to perform," observed the monk; "daughters, withdraw to your rooms, and occupy yourselves with the preparation necessary for your flight, which may readily be made to appear as intended to meet the Senate's pleasure.

I told you that I was the Senate's, and there the matter ended.

He had been communicating his distrust of the Senate's intentions, concerning Donna Violetta, to an unknown person, and, possibly, to an agent of the police; and he had just deprived himself of the only argument he had ever found available, in refusing the attempts of Giacomo Gradenigo to borrow, by admitting to that very individual that he had in his power the precise sum required.

"Thou wilt not understand, then, that a noble female may have little inclination to comply with all the Senate's wishes, in disposing of her duties and affections?" Gelsomina gazed at the fair speaker, but it was evident that she did not clearly comprehend the question.

May the honorable words of the Senate's recognition but hold before me that which, by God's help, I may yet accomplish"; and he would take but so much as he might bestow in charity and gifts to his convent, having for himself no need nor tastes that were not met by the modest provision of his order.

Opinions were expressed by some to the effect that commissioners should be sent to Caesar to acquaint him with the senate's pleasure.

Honest optimates would wish to maintain the Senate's preponderance from affection to it, and from belief in its being the mainstay of the State.

The messenger returned with the Senate's reply that they must lay down their arms, and the two leaders must come and answer for their acts.

One more attempt at reform was to be made, this time by one of the Senate's own members, but only to be once more defeated by rancorous party-spirit and besotted urban pride.

[Sidenote: Disaffection in the Senate's troops.]

Before this the practice had been either for the Senate through the tribunes to submit a measure to the vote, or for the tribunes to submit a measure of their own after obtaining the Senate's authority to do so.

Positively, therefore, by making the Senate's previous consent to a law necessary, and negatively by these limitations of the prerogative of the tribunes, legislative power was placed wholly in the Senate's hands.

Positively, therefore, by making the Senate's previous consent to a law necessary, and negatively by these limitations of the prerogative of the tribunes, legislative power was placed wholly in the Senate's hands.

Directly after, the same men as before took up the couch and carried it through the triumphal gateway, according to the senate's decree.

To the Senate of the United States: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, with accompanying documents, in answer to the Senate's resolution of the 1st instant.

I now confine myself to the Senate's resolution, respecting "military

It was from him, at any rate, that I the same day obtained the information of the Senate's action.

And the result is a severe caution against the Senate's ever putting private reasons in the place of public, and interfering with matters which they necessarily know but little about. 16th.

My brother James writes in his usual frank and above-board manner: "If the Indians are to audit accounts against the Indians (agreeably to the Senate's alteration of the treaty), there will be a pretty humbug made of it; then he that has most whisky will get most money.

To the Senate of the United States: I herewith communicate to the Senate a letter from the Secretary of the Interior, accompanied by a report of the result of an investigation of the charge of fraud and misconduct in office alleged against Alexander Ramsey, superintendent of Indian affairs in Minnesota, which I have caused to be made in compliance with the Senate's resolution of the 5th of April last.

Had he been able to pass his resolution so worded as to "direct" the Secretary of State to throw open the entire files of the Department's foreign correspondence for the Senate's inspection, instead of merely "requesting" the President to furnish such information as the Senate desired "if not, in his opinion, incompatible with the public interest," the result would have been practically the same.

98 examples of  senate's  in sentences