18 examples of springboard in sentences

But a sympathetic foreman told us what was needed: two planks of special springy wood were fastened together by cross pieces at each end, and besides making excellent slides, these made most exciting springboards.

And just after we paid four dollars and eighteen cents to put up a springboard.

Sillett and his daughter had disappeared in a springboard, drawn by a buckskin horse, and were supposed to have travelled south, in the hope of crossing the border into Mexico.

I reckon you've a springboard and a buckskin in the barn over there?" "Maybe.

Besides the diving tower, there was a floating dock anchored out in midstream, having a springboard at either end.

Sahwah, burning with impatience to show her skill, climbed nimbly up to the very top of the tower and went off the highest springboard in a neat back dive that drew applause from the watchers, including Miss Armstrong.

When Undine also went off the highest springboard backward, and in addition turned a complete somersault before she touched the water, Sahwah realized that she had met her match, if not her master.

"Beat you to the springboard!"

She set her teeth and drove her tough little body with a fierce concentration of all her forces, but Arnold was sitting on the springboard, dangling his red and swollen feet when she arrived.

First, with their double-bitted axes, each drove a deep notch into the sapwood just wide enough to take the end of a two-by-six plank four or five feet long with a single grab-nail in the end,the springboard of the Pacific coast logger, whose daily business lies among the biggest timber on God's footstool.

That done, they swung the ends of their springboards, or if it were a thick trunk, made new holding notches on the other side, and the long saw would eat steadily through the heart of the tree toward that yellow, gashed undercut, stroke upon stroke, ringing with a thin, metallic twang.

The sawyers would drop lightly from their springboards, crying: "Tim-ber-r-r-r!" The earthward swoop of the upper boughs would hasten till the air was full of a whistling, whishing sound.

Off to one side she saw the fallers climb up on their springboards.

But a victory would have brought no personal gain to him; for his personal plans he considered that the anti-Manchu side provided the springboard he needed.

<pb id='077.png' /> HANDLEY, H. W. Dear Sir: This letter is in response to your request for prices and information regarding the Brandsten international and intercollegiate regulation springboard.

Phyllis Duganne (A); 6May59; R236345. Springboard.

<pb id='077.png' /> HANDLEY, H. W. Dear Sir: This letter is in response to your request for prices and information regarding the Brandsten international and intercollegiate regulation springboard.

Phyllis Duganne (A); 6May59; R236345. Springboard.

18 examples of  springboard  in sentences