8 examples of thought-provoking in sentences

Cartwright, happily, is one of the forward-looking Institutes, and stunt night, crowded with most excellent fooling, produced two or three creditable and thought-provoking performances.

His last words were thought-provoking.

Sometimes Chesterton seems to be merely clever, but he is usually too thought-provoking to be read passively.

Well, so far as the stage goes, I think it is a very charming and exciting form of human activity, a display of actions and surprises of the most moving and impressive sort; but beyond the opportunity it affords for saying startling and thought-provoking thingsopportunities Mr. Shaw, for example, has worked to the utmost limitI do not see that the drama does much to enlarge our sympathies and add to our stock of motive ideas.

And regarded as a medium for startling and thought-provoking things, the stage seems to me an extremely clumsy and costly affair.

One might just as well go about with a pencil writing up the thought-provoking phrase, whatever it is, on walls.

It was by thought-provoking questions such as these that Jesus revealed His own thoughts concerning man.

It is a thought-provoking book, a book of the highest moral aims.

8 examples of  thought-provoking  in sentences