6 examples of unkingly in sentences

But will the king do so unkingly now? TANCRED.

Come, come, show your face, Your grace's graceless, king's unkingly face.

But in Babbulkund King Nehemoth hath been troubled in the nights by unkingly dreams of doom, and none may interpret what the dreams portend.

As I lay me down, I could not but reflect, with a smile which I knew to be evil, upon that steady, strong, smouldering lust within me which was urging me through all those pains at the Arsenal, I who shirked every labour as unkingly.

O that I might marry the child of some unkingly house that generation to generation had never known a city, and that we might ride from here down the long track through the desert, always we two alone till we came to the tents of the Arabs.

The Kingpoor creaturehas been reinstated, after a fashion, since his flight, but with most unkingly limitations.

6 examples of  unkingly  in sentences