68 examples of viragoes in sentences

The women were sent to the House of Correction to be whipped and dismissed, for there was little against them but foolishness; all except one, a virago called Isobel Bone, who was herded with the men.

The impression is that mere ingenuity will not . (1) Virtue, virile, virgin, virtually; (2) virago, virtuoso, triumvir.

"I was really astonished," he said, "(1) at the schoolboy, wretched, allegoric machinery; (2) at the transmogrification of the fanatic virago into a modern novel-pawing proselyte of the "Age of Reason,"a Tom Paine in petticoats; (3) at the utter want of all rhythm in the verse, the monotony and dead plumb-down of the pauses, and the absence of all bone, muscle, and sinew in the single lines.

It was only by mob misunderstanding that the suffragettes were conceived as viragoes, just as it was only by mob misunderstanding that the members of the Society of Friends were conceived as desperadoes.

She had never been aware of any failing such as Victor would have endowed her with; so far as she could remember she had never been tempted to commit more venial sins than inhered in lying to Mama Thérèse now and then in order to escape unmerited disciplining at the heavy hands of that industrious virago; and as for thieving, the very thought of anything of that sort was detestable to Sofia.

" The old virago gave a sniff, tossed her head, but kept her eyes rolled suspiciously on Peter.

The name of the class may be translated "Viragoes," or "Feminine Males.

It may require some apology that Wauska should have vowed destruction upon herself if the Deer Killer took another wife, and yet should have lived on and become that most unromantic of all charactersa virago.

What thinkest thou, Belford, if, by getting hither this virago, and giving cause for a lamentable letter from her to the fair fugitive, I should be able to recover her?

But yet I think it impossible that she should have baffled me as she has done (novice as she is, and never before from under her parents' wings) had she not been armed by a virago, who was formerly very near showing that she could better advise than practise.

I gave them a character of that virago; and intimated, 'that for a head to contrive mischief, and a heart to execute it, she had hardly her equal in her sex.'

Sic quisque dicit, alteram ducit tamen "Who can endure a virago for a wife?" 5799.

Whereupon arose a furious altercation, the virago working herself into such a fury that she sprang upon her adversary, and bit her violently in the throat, then withdrew a few steps, seized her gun, and was going to fire, when she suddenly turned pale, her weapon fell from her hands, and she sank back dead.

Clarice was a virago, both in the Florentine sense of man's equal in ability and action, and in the sense of the present daya woman with a mighty will and endowed with physical strength to enforce it.

'Why, what a virago you are, Mary.

The inanimate and delicate beauty then changed into a stormy virago.

This virago is cast into prison with Dame Quickly (hostess of a tavern in Eastcheap), for the death of a man that they and Pistol had beaten.

Some of the males of each race grew into ruffians, others into gentlemen in the literal sense, some of the females into viragoes, others into gentlewomen; but most of both races and sexes merely became plain, wholesome folk of a somewhat distinctive plantation type.

8.For nouns ending in open o preceded by a consonant, the regular method of forming the plural seems to be that of adding es; as in bilboes, umboes, buboes, calicoes, moriscoes, gambadoes, barricadoes, fumadoes, carbonadoes, tornadoes, bravadoes, torpedoes, innuendoes, viragoes, mangoes, embargoes, cargoes, potargoes, echoes, buffaloes, volcanoes, heroes, negroes, potatoes, manifestoes, mulattoes, stilettoes, woes.

You have been a virago only because you feared you were not to get it.

If the viragoes had their way, men and women would in course of time revert to the condition of the lowest savages, differing only in their organs of generation.

" Honors paid to such viragoes are honors to masculinity, not to femininity.

Yet there are viragoes who have had the indecency to call gallantry an "insult to woman."

" Though there were a number of learned viragoes, there is "absolutely no evidence" that women in general received the compliment and benefit of an education.

"Do you think," shrieked the irate virago, "that I will allow my daughter who is studying French, Latin, Greek, and German to wash your dirty dishes?"

68 examples of  viragoes  in sentences