76 examples of weak-minded in sentences

" From what has been said, it may confidently be asserted, that a universal remedy still remains as great a desideratum as the philosopher's stone; and either can only obtain credit with the weak-minded, the credulous, or the fanatic.

She had had the countessa weak-minded, self-indulgent, French-novel-reading woman.

"Please do not wait any longer, and do not think me a very weak-minded person.

It was a simple enough ceremonial denuded of many of the mediaeval mummeries which have been revived by a newer emotional Church for the edification of the weak-minded.

This idea was strengthened when the gala evening arrived, and our heroine was introduced to her father's principal patron, a vain and weak-minded man, who listened to his host's extravagant adulation with evident complacency, though to every one else it was palpably insincere.

He taught principles of self-control rather than rules of specific asceticism, and hence recommended wine to Timothy and encouraged friendship between men and women, when intemperance and unchastity were the scandal and disgrace of the age; although so far as himself was concerned, he would not eat meat, if thereby he should give offence to the weakest of his weak-minded brethren.

There are also the usual schools for the deaf, dumb, blind, weak-minded, and crippled children, supported by the state, and reform schools for the correction and restraint of the depraved.

He was a good-tempered fellow, and not without wit, but so very thoughtless and flighty that people looked upon him as being rather weak-minded.

" "I fear Comrade Jellicoe is a bit of a weak-minded blitherer" "Did you ever hear of a rag we worked off on Jellicoe once?" asked Dunster.

infeliz, unhappy, unfortunate, wretched; weak-minded; subst., poor wretch, poor fellow.

So Lesbia, the cool-headed, who was also the weak-minded, consented to have her figure adjusted to the regulation mark of absolute beauty, as understood by Madame Seraphine.

The crudest, shrewdest, most preposterous panderer to weak-minded" "Whew!

And the continual agitation of the aspen-leaf seemed to him rather foolish, reminding him of a weak-minded woman clamouring for sympathy always.

Marcia, with some difficulty, was able to say, through her chattering teeth, "You seem to take a deep interest in this weak-minded person.

There is no doubt that too much self-scrutiny is pernicious, especially to weak-minded, ignorant young people.

" "You wouldn't have her weak-minded, would you, mother?" "There's something between.

This couple had four sons: the eldest, Michael Andreas, was weak-minded; the second, Karl Gottfried, was also mentally weak and had deserted his people for evil companions; the youngest son, Heinrich Floris, possessed, however, in a considerable degree the qualities which his brothers lacked.

In vain the doctor assured her he had not the means; after the fashion of weak-minded women, she grumbled incessantly.

I had been told of an extremely old woman, a great-great-grandmother, bed-ridden, peevish, and weak-minded, who had occupied that room for nearly a score of years, apparently forgotten by fate, and left to drag out a monotonous, weary existence on not her "mattress grave" (like the poet Heine), but on an immensely thick feather bed; only a care, a burden, to her relations.

It is an amusing, though irritating sight, to behold a weak-minded lady walking into church and taking her seat under this delusion.

" Mariuccia had been listening at the door, as usual, and she immediately began crying for joy; for she is a weak-minded old thing, and dotes on Nino.

From being merely hasty, her passionate anger and hatred of her governess had now increased to such height, as to be really alarming not only to her weak-minded mother, but to Mrs. Hamilton, who, however, was certainly never aware of their extent; for before her Lilla was generally gentle and controlled.

You remember the pa that took his weak-minded child to the ball, and told him to set still and not speak or they would find him out.

A friend of his boyhood was Archibald Gray; And to prove what queer antics Dame Fortune will play When she sets about trying to plan, She heaped all her favors on Valentine, bold, And always left Archibald out of her fold, The harmless, and weak-minded man.

All things to all men, plausible to the old, magnetic to the young, persuasive among the intellectual, impressive to the weak-minded, Gibbon Wakefield was always more than the mere clever, selfish schemer which many thought him.

76 examples of  weak-minded  in sentences