Which preposition to use with cloudlets

of Occurrences 2%

Meanwhile, blame and praise whirl but as unrecognized cloudlets of gloom or glitter beneath his feet, enveloping and often blinding those who utter them, but to him never attaining.

at Occurrences 1%

The only factor that could possibly have astonished him, just now, would have been the nonappearance of that slight, luminous cloudlet at the precise spot and moment designated.

in Occurrences 1%

The swan-like steamers come and go; The ruffled water finds its rest; The snow-peaks catch a ruddy glow From crimsoned cloudlets in the west; And, trembling on the tranquil air, Steals forth the vesper-call to prayer.

like Occurrences 1%

For answer Peggy pointed to the sky, a delicate blue dome flecked with tiny cloudlets like cherub's wings.

Which preposition to use with  cloudlets