Which preposition to use with dyings

of Occurrences 28%

The French Republic dying of Gas.

in Occurrences 9%

The old women have no doubt that it speaks also of those things that must affect the prince and the peasant alike; of good and ill fortune; of life and of death; of hope and its slow, slow dying in the heart.

out Occurrences 5%

But the effects of the contest did not end with the dying out of the cheers with which the victory of the scrub was greeted.

without Occurrences 3%

So deep was this veneration, that I began to think of the necessity of making a new will, in order to bequeath him the place in the event of my dying without heirs, as I now imagined must sooner or later occur.

at Occurrences 3%

I don't think, my dear, that you need trouble yourself about my dying at present; it is not at all likely that I shall.

by Occurrences 3%

The reform of hospital life and sick nursing, whether military or civil, is near fulfilment now, and it is hard to imagine such a scene as those Scutari wards where, in William Russell's words, the sick were tended by the sick and the dying by the dying, while rats fed upon the corpses and the filth could not be described.

to Occurrences 3%

He essayed to make the sinner repent, and to turn the thoughts of the dying to Him who suffered death on the cross.

as Occurrences 2%

In the Epistle to the Hebrews, where the analogy of Sacrifice is so pressed, we see that the pains which Jesus bore were in order that he might "learn obedience," but our redemption is effected by his dying as a voluntary victim: in which, death by bloodshed, not pain, is the cardinal point.

on Occurrences 1%

They left me there to my despair, Link'd to the dead and stiffening wretch, Whose lifeless limbs beneath me stretch, Believed from that unwonted weight, From whence I could not extricate Nor him nor meand there we lay, The dying on the dead!

among Occurrences 1%

But in the other lessons I learned the wanderings of Æneas, forgetful of my own, and wept for the dead Dido because she killed herself for love; while, with dry eyes, I endured my miserable self-dying among these things, far from Thee, my God, my life.

after Occurrences 1%

As for La Mettrie, he made his escape in a different mannerby dying after supper one evening of a surfeit of pheasant pie. 'Jésus!

with Occurrences 1%

" Chiseled in the wall that marks the circle of the well are these words: "Sacred to the Perpetual Memory of a great Company of Christian people, chiefly Women and Children, who near this Spot were cruelly Murdered by the Followers of the Rebel Nana Dhundu Panth of Bithur, and cast, the Dying with the Dead, into the Well below on the XVth day of July, MDCCCLVII.

for Occurrences 1%

And the son of Pandu then created on the field of battle a dreadful river of blood, with waving billows, like unto the river of death that is created by Time at the end of the Yuga, having the dishevelled hair of the dead and the dying for its floating moss and straw, with bows and arrows for its boats, fierce in the extreme and having flesh and animal juices for its mire.

Which preposition to use with  dyings