Which preposition to use with ruddy

with Occurrences 21%

The courtyard, ruddy with the torch's light, Proclaims unspent the deepest hour of night.

in Occurrences 12%

Presently, in a half-conscious manner, I noticed that there was a faint mistiness, ruddy in hue, lying over its surface.

as Occurrences 11%

His cheeks were ruddy as a winter hip, his hair was flaxen in color, and on his chin was a downy growth of flaxen beard.

of Occurrences 5%

He was not tall and commanding like the Benjamite hero, but was ruddy of countenance, with auburn hair, beautiful eyes, and graceful figure, equally remarkable for strength and agility.

from Occurrences 3%

He was a square-jawed, severe, heavily built person, with a long relentless upper lip, cheeks ruddy from the open air; engaged in the contracting business; and he had a brogue that would have charmed a mavis off a tree.

across Occurrences 1%

I could bear the gloom no longer, but made up the fire till the light danced ruddy across pewter and porcelain on the dresser.

at Occurrences 1%

That was a great celebration indeed, with Dot doing the honors in her wedding-gown, her eyes sparkling with happiness, and the good carrier, so jovial and so ruddy at the bottom of the table, and all their guests aiding to make the occasion a memorable and happy one.

than Occurrences 1%

"So you won't come to our dance?" he asked straightening himself, more ruddy than ever.

to Occurrences 1%

Its freshly-painted walls shone with a welcome whiteness, while the panes of its open windows flashed ruddy to the setting sun.

behind Occurrences 1%

The stars twinkled out faintly one by one, the harvest-moon rose broad and ruddy behind the wooded hill, and still he sat stupefied at the bedside.

Which preposition to use with  ruddy