Which preposition to use with snaffle

at Occurrences 1%

They tighten both these reins equally, and saw the poor devil's mouth with the curb and the snaffle at one time.

between Occurrences 1%

"M. de Bussigny, in his little 'Handbook for Horsewomen,' gives the preference to crossing the reins, the curb coming outside the little finger and between the ring and middle finger, and the snaffle between the little and ring fingers and the middle finger and forefinger.

of Occurrences 1%

I was vexed and mortified, and had fully decided to throw up the whole,on such hairs do things hang,when, suddenly turning a corner, my bridle-reins became entangled in the snaffle of another rider.

on Occurrences 1%

"If you take your reins in one hand," he says, "an easy way is to hold the snaffle on your ring finger, and the left curb outside the little finger, with the right curb between the middle and fore fingers.

outside Occurrences 1%

Mr. Mead, in his 'Horsemanship for Women,' mentions this hold, but prefers taking the curb on the ring finger, and the snaffle outside the little finger, and between the forefinger and middle finger.

with Occurrences 1%

As he walked he kept a sullen eye out for his stolen horse, never expecting to see him, and it was with a savage mixture of surprise and satisfaction that he beheld him, bestridden by two dirty malingerers from a New York infantry regiment who rode on the snaffle with difficulty and objurgations and reproached each other for their mutual discomfort.

Which preposition to use with  snaffle