Which preposition to use with solidest

as Occurrences 44%

It was very dark, as I have said; the old house, with its shapeless tower, loomed a heavy mass through the darkness, which was only not entirely so solid as itself.

in Occurrences 32%

And they talked of the weatherhow the mercury last week had been solid in the trading-post thermometer, so it was "over forty degrees, anyhow.

with Occurrences 21%

Thus, I made the door stronger than ever; for now it was solid with the backing of boards, and would, I felt convinced, stand a heavier pressure than hitherto, without giving way.

than Occurrences 16%

The fluid and the solid parts settling down into a new sphere, might still retain nearly their former proportion: or, if the fragment took away a greater proportion of solid than of fluid, then the waters retiring to fill up the cavity, would leave parts bare which they had formerly covered.

for Occurrences 12%

The young Robert Devereux, third Earl of Essex, had good qualities too solid for the taste of a frivolous girl; and when, after travel abroad, the husband of eighteen claimed the wife of seventeen, he found her happy in flirtation with the King's favourite, Sir Robert Carr.

on Occurrences 7%

A hard breathing told him the situation of the pallet, but the walls, which were solid on the side of the corridor, effectually prevented the admission of light.

of Occurrences 7%

The fourth creek behind the head is common to the cerebel or little brain, and marrow of the backbone, the last and most solid of all the rest, which receives the animal spirits from the other ventricles, and conveys them to the marrow in the back, and is the place where they say the memory is seated.

at Occurrences 5%

The old earth seems so solid at first sight: but look a little nearer, and this is the stuff of which she is made!The wreck of past earthquakes, the leavings of old floods, the washings of cold cinder heapswhich are smouldering still below.

against Occurrences 4%

Some 20,000 natives and colored people thus vote at the Cape, and neither the Progressives nor the Bond party dared to oppose the continuance of the franchise, lest the native vote should be thrown solid against them.

between Occurrences 3%

Had not the ice been solid between the cape and the berth just before occupied by the schooner, she would have been hopelessly nipped by the closing of the artificial channel.

to Occurrences 3%

Conversely, we have raised all solids to a liquid and nearly all to a gaseous condition.

like Occurrences 3%

Even opaque solids like iron possess this property.

by Occurrences 2%

Next take either a large tablespoonful of brewer's yeast which has been rendered solid by mixing it with plenty of cold water, and letting it afterwards stand to settle for a day and night; or nearly an ounce of German yeast; put it into a large basin, and proceed to mix it, so that it shall be as smooth as cream, with 3/4 pint of warm milk-and-water, or with water only; though even a very little milk will much improve the bread.

into Occurrences 1%

Well, it was not like the collision of two hard substances, but rather of the heavy "thud" order of sound, like the descent of a solid into a soft substance; say, for instance, of a flat-iron into a jar of unrisen buck-wheat batter.

behind Occurrences 1%

It was not hard to see that in a pinch they would be solid behind their foreman.

from Occurrences 1%

The pipe consisted of a squared and ornamented bowl, with a curved and tapering handle, all made solid from a sort of coarse terra cotta.

off Occurrences 1%

I found the ice solid off the Barne Glacier tongue, but always ahead of me a dark horizon as though I was within a very short distance of its edge.

up Occurrences 1%

The Editors of the "Atlantic," of course, have universal knowledge (with few exceptions) at their fingers' ends,that is, they possess an Encyclopaedia, gapped here and there by friends fond of portable information and familiar with that hydrostatic paradox in which the motion of solids up a spout is balanced by a very slender column of the liquidating medium.

Which preposition to use with  solidest