20 Verbs to Use for the Word laziness

On the other hand, on the many sad threatenings and denunciations of wrath, against such as transgress his laws, and on all the sad things that such as shake off the fear of God and the study of holiness have to look for, of which the scripture is full; that by this means the soul may be kept in awe, and spurred forward unto duty, and made the more willing to shake off laziness.

'I cannot agree with you, Sir; a bason of cold water or a horse whip will cure laziness.'

This evil, sir, cannot be better obviated than by allotting a reasonable proportion out of every school to the service of the sea, in which, by entering early, they cannot fail to become proficients; and where their attainments, which, at present, too frequently produce laziness and dishonesty, might enable them to excel, and entitle them to promotion.

But charity only encourages the laziness of the inhabitants.

"Curse your laziness!" exploded Mr. Gavel; "and this is your notion of searching for me, is it?"

They were often lazy and shiftless, but they never deified laziness and shiftlessness or made them into a cult.

These received admonitions from their comrades, but could not wholly forget the laziness which was their inheritance.

In the western parts of the nation, sir, where I reside, many who vote at elections claim their privilege by no other title than that of boiling a pot; a title which he who has it not, may easily obtain, when it will either gratify his laziness or his cowardice, and which, though not occasionally obtained, seems not sufficient to set any man out of the reach of a just and necessary law.

Come, Patroon:the appetite will not await the laziness of a wilful girl; we will to the table.

You all know where the German's shoe pinches him; you all know what faults Englishmen and Frenchmen have; and your miserable knowledge only serves to help you to justify your shameful laziness, your abominable idleness.

For the sake of his neighbours: for to hear each other's voices stirs up earnestness, stirs up attention, keeps off laziness, inattention, and by a wholesome infection, makes all the congregation of one mind, as they are of one speech, in glorifying God.

Little Fanchon is at my feet, too idle to eat the biscuits with which I am trying to tempt her,biscuits from Boston, sent to me by kind Mrs. S., and which Fanchon ought to like; but you know her laziness of old, and she improves in it every day.

Opposition met him, of course,not so much the ponderous laziness of Peter's time as an opposition polite and elastic, which never ranted and never stood up,for then Nicholas would have throttled it and stamped upon it.

It seemed incredible, it aroused in her a grim sense of humor, and she looked into the old Duke's face for a second and wondered what he would say if she announced this fact, and he caught the smile, cynical though it was, and continued: "I see you have noticed his laziness!

The production in many provinces had reached the extreme limit; and a further increase, in the former at least, is impossible, as the work of cultivation occupies the whole of the male populationan evidence surely that a suitable recompense will overcome any natural laziness of the natives.

"I do not know that I meet in any of my walks, objects which move both my spleen and laughter so effectually as those young fellows at the Greecian, Squire's, Searle's, and all other coffee-houses adjacent to the law, who rise early for no other purpose but to publish their laziness.

My daily allowance of composition was five pages of this demy in quarto; and I held my natural laziness sternly to that task day in, day out, to the end.

The winter months, locally known as the "invierno," a term to be associated with our word "vernal" and not with "infernal," are almost invariably delightful, bringing to northern systems a pleasurable physical laziness that is attended by a mental indifference to, or satisfaction with, the sensation.

I could scarcely brook the slow laziness with which the day dragged by, as if it knew its own beauty, and lingered to enjoy it.

I think, however, that what you call acting according to impulse is simply an excuse to cover your own laziness.'

20 Verbs to Use for the Word  laziness