3 Verbs to Use for the Word neede

My shop is stor'd, I am not much in debt; And here I speake it where I may be bold, I have a score of poundes to helpe my neede, If God should stretch his hand to visit me With sicknesse or such like adversity. Neigh.

And being in Goa but a small time, I fell sicke of an infirmitie that helde mee foure moneths: which with phisicke and diet cost me eight hundreth duckets, and there I was constrained to sell a smal quantitie of Rubies to sustaine my neede: and I solde that for fiue hundreth duckets, that was worth a thousand.

A greater craftesmans hand thereto doth neede, That can expresse the life of things indeed.

3 Verbs to Use for the Word  neede